The Opo-opo and I
The Opo-opo and I | |
Starting NPC | Lulupp, Kazham (G-7) |
Required Fame | Windurst Level 7 |
Items Needed | Broken Mithran Rod Workbench Ten of Coins (Card) Sands of Silence Wandering Bulb Giant Fish Bones Blackened Toad Wyvern Skull Ancient Salt Lucky Egg |
Title | King of the Opo-opos |
Repeatable | No |
Description | The Opo-opo in Kazham love your new "fragrance." Bring them what they want--in the correct order-- and they will make you their king! |
Rewards | |
Opo-opo Crown Pamamas |
← Previous Quest | Next Quest → |
Even More Gullible's Travels | Personal Hygiene |
Once you have received the scent from Even More Gullible's Travels, speak with Lulupp the Opo-opo on the airship dock (G-7), where you will be introduced to Vuih Stecoppah in the cutscene.
You must trade the following items to the corresponding Opo-opos in the correct order:
Serious Note: Failure to trade in correct order will result in the loss of all previously traded items, and you must start from the beginning.
1. Lulupp (G-7) on lower dock, near Dheo Nbolo.
- Broken Mithran Rod - Can be obtained by breaking a Mithran Fishing Rod through fishing, or purchased from the Auction House.
- See Breaking the Rod for tips & tricks.
- Says "Opopopopo! Opo-opo! Oppo! Oppo-opo!"
2. Kukupp (I-11) in-between Migho's & Pakhroib's Residences.
- Workbench - Can be crafted using Woodworking (7), or bought from the Auction House.
- Says "Opoh opo!"
3. Mumupp (J-9) inside Wahcondalo's Residence.
- Ten of Coins (Card) - Obtained from Ten of Coins in the Outer Horutoto Ruins, or bought from the Auction House.
- Says "Opopoppo!"
4. Roropp (H-9) in-between Poshei's Combat Gear and Ryuhkow’a Mercenary Merchandise.
- Sands of Silence - Obtained from Demon Magistrates and Demon Chancellors in Castle Zvahl Baileys, or bought from the Auction House.
- Says "Oh! Ohpo!"
5. Popopp (H-9) with Nomad Moogle.
- Wandering Bulb - Obtained from Utukkus in Fei'Yin, or bought from the Auction House.
- Says "Opopoh-o..."
6. Bubupp (I-8) behind M&P's Market.
- Giant Fish Bones
- Obtained from Tonberry Stalkers in the Temple of Uggalepih.
- Says "Popo-o Popo-o!"
- Giant Fish Bones
7. Tatapp (G/H/I7-10) wandering around.
- Blackened Toad - Obtained from Brook Sahagins in the Sea Serpent Grotto, or bought from the Auction House.
- Says "Poppo-opo!"
8. Kakapp (J-9) inside Wahcondalo’s Residence.
- Wyvern Skull
- Obtained from Hurricane Wyverns in Ifrit's Cauldron.
- Says "Po-oppo Opo-opo!"
- Wyvern Skull
9. Lalapp (F-9) Chocobo NPC, behind the hut.
- Ancient Salt
- Obtained from Sand Diggers in the Quicksand Caves.
- Says "Opo-opo-po-opo-o! Popopo-opopo!"
- Ancient Salt
10. Nenepp (H-11) behind Mihgo’s Residence; can be out of reach; wait for it to walk closer.
- Lucky Egg
- Obtained from Knight Crawlers in The Boyahda Tree.
- Says "Ohpo-opo! Poh-opo-o!"
- Lucky Egg
- The order they are listed in Widescan is the same as the correct order to trade them items. This can be a good way to go through the list if one has multiple consecutive items, as a level 80 beastmaster or level 60 ranger can scan the whole town.
- For a complete walkthrough on this quest, see Guide To Getting Your Opo-opo Crown.
- 4 free inventory slots will be needed for the rewards (Opo-opo Crown and 3 Pamamas).
- Four of the last five items on this list are Rare/Ex, so you can not purchase them from Auction House/Bazaar.
- If you forget where you left off and come back and don't remember which one you traded to last, no worries. Just talk to them and they will say "Opopopopo! Opop-opo! Opo-opo!" and do a /bow motion to let you know you've done that part of the quest. Just move on to the next one until you get one that says "Opo-opo?" and you will know you have not traded an item to that Opo-opo.
- It's very easy to fix whatever you have messed up when trading the items. All you need to do is get all the previous items you have traded to the Opo-opos and start from the beginning. For example: Say you have traded items to Lulupp, Kukupp, Mumupp, and Roropp. All you need to do is gather those items again and trade them to the appropriate Opo-opos. They WILL NOT take the new items but it does still count. Once you've traded them just continue as usual and you will receive your Opo-opo Crown.