Scroll of Flash
WHM Lv.45 / PLD Lv.37 / RUN Lv.45 Teaches the white magic Flash.
Temporarily blinds an enemy, greatly lowers its accuracy.
- Severely reduces accuracy (compared to Blind) with the effect weakening over time until it wears off.
- Normal mobs have the ability to resist Flash, although this is extremely rare.
- Duration is subject to resists and partial-resists, though can last up to 12 seconds if completely unresisted.
- Stacks with Blind.
- Does not overwrite itself. If the target is already flashed it will fail to take effect.
- Acquires a significant amount of Volatile and Cumulative Enmity. Produces 180 CE and 1280 VE in era. Testing/verification needed to determine if any era+ changes made.
- Automatons with a Flashbulb equipped can use a non-magic version of Flash and, therefore, can not be reflected or absorbed by shadows.
- This status effect cannot be removed by Blindna, but can be removed by Erase.
- This status effect cannot be removed by Blindna, but can be removed by Erase, Esuna or Healing Waltz.
Other Uses
How to Obtain
Auction House Category: Scrolls > White Magic 
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