
From HorizonXI Wiki

Type Divine
Description Deals Light elemental damage to enemies within area of effect.
Cost 41 MP
Element Light Light
Monster Family {{{blue family}}}
Blue Physical Damage Type Unspecified damage
Skillchain Properties
Magic Burst Light ElementTrans­fixion
Light Element and Fire ElementFu­sion
Light, Fire, Lightning and Wind ElementsLight
Status Bonus {{{blue stats}}}
Job Trait {{{blue trait}}}
Points Required {{{blue points}}}
Ninjutsu Tool {{{ninjutsu tool}}}
Casting Time 2.75 seconds
Recast Time 15 seconds
Affected Targets AOE, centered on target
Base Duration
Range {{{range}}}


Scroll of Banishga
WHM Lv.15
Teaches the white magic Banishga.
Deals light elemental damage to
enemies within area of effect.
  • Accuracy influenced by Divine Magic Skill and Magic Accuracy bonuses from equipment.
  • Damage resist rates depend on the difference in MND between the caster and target.
  • Banishga does 50% additional damage to undead foes and partially negates specific damage taken resistance from certain undead mob species. The amount cut is applied multiplicatively by a set term. The duration of this additional effect vs. Undead monsters is subject to partial resist rates. The resist rates to the Banish spell damage and specific damage taken cut components of Banish spells are calculated separately.[1]
  • The Group 1 White Mage Merit Ability "Banish Effect" adds +2 Magic Attack Bonus and extends the duration of the specific damate taken effect by 2 seconds per merit level.

Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes

  • The effect of Banish has been 'era+'ed' to inhibit the target undead monster's TP gain.
  • Inhibits the target undead monster's TP gain by 15% for 15 seconds.

Other Uses

Used in Quest: [[|]]
Resale Price: ???~??? gil

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Scrolls > White Magic AH Black.png

