
From HorizonXI Wiki
Family Information
Type: Demons
Subfamilies: Shadow Eyes, Akoman
Common Behavior: A, L, S, H
Uncommon Behavior: {{{Uncommon Behavior}}}
Weak against:
Strong against:
Immune to:
Healed by:
Common Job(s): Warrior/Black Mage
Uncommon Job(s): Red Mage
Traits: Magic Defense Bonus +25%
Charmable: Eks.png
Pankration: Able to be captured
Aspir: Susceptible to Aspir
Drain: Susceptible to Drain
EXP Bonus:
Ahriman (Category).jpg
These floating demons are often referred to simply as floating eyes, since their head is dominated by their one massive cyclopean eye (given their life-span, it is assumed that this does not represent cyclocephaly). Possessing the abilities of both warriors and black mages, these eyes can be dangerous to attackers.

As large eyes, it is not surprising that their main body part, the lens can be recovered from a defeated ahriman. The primary use of the lenses is to make Prism Powder, a powder that can render its user essentially invisible. A number of residents of Vana'diel are also looking for these lenses. Tears can also be collected from a defeated ahriman – although their use is generally limited to its inclusion in a cure for blindness. Of final interest to those attacking these demons, is the Ahriman Wing, which is used exclusively by expert alchemists.

Special Attacks

Special Abilities
Magic Barrier: Magic Shield effect, blocks all spells
Blindeye: Single-target damage and Blind. Blockable with 1 Utsusemi shadow.
Eyes On Me: Single-target high damage, ignores Utsusemi
Mind Break: Cone Attack Max MP Down
Hypnosis: Cone Attack Sleep
Binding Wave: 15' AoE Bind
Level 5 Petrify: 15' AoE Petrify anyone whose level is a multiple of 5.
Note: Notorious Monsters in this family may use all of the above and/or additional unique special abilities.

Notorious Monsters in Family

Name Spawn Information Level Zone Notable Drop(s)
Bat Eye Lottery Spawn with the Giant Scorpion around (H-5) 42-44 Ranguemont Pass Storm Axe
Shadow Eye Lottery Spawn from the Evil Eyes around (E-7) to (E-8) 48-49 Xarcabard Moon Amulet

Quest NMs: Agas

Mission NMs: Searcher, Seeker, Spotter

Battlefield NMs: Osschaart (BCNM)

Other NMs: Angra Mainyu (Dynamis)

Monsters in Family

Historical Background

Angra Mainyu (Avestan) or Ahriman (Middle Persian اهريمن) is the Evil equivalent of the deity Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrianism.

The name does not occur in the Old Persian inscriptions. In the Avesta he is called the twin-brother of the Holy Spirit, and contrasted with Spenta Mainyu. He is the all-destroying Satan, the source of all evil in the world and like Ahura Mazda, existed since the beginning of the world. Ahriman chose evil consciously, and created disease in order to bring death early. He did his greatest evil deed by adding colour to fire, which was pure when created by Ahura Mazda, and gave it the harsh character of smoke. Thus it is said he polluted the holy fire made by Ahura Mazda. On Judgment Day he will be defeated by Spenta Mainyu and will disappear from the present world forever. The later sect of the Zurvanites held that both were visible manifestations of the primeval principle zruvan akarana (infinite time).

Pages in category "Ahriman"

The following 17 pages are in this category, out of 17 total.