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From HorizonXI Wiki

Avatar: Diabolos

Blood Pact Type: Blood Pact: Ward

Element: Dark

Level Obtained: 20

MP Cost: 30

Duration: Unknown

Description: Diabolos delivers an attack that inflicts weight on the target.


Battle Application: Skillchain

Damage Type Physical

Attributes: Compression

  • Opens: Transfixion, Detonation
  • Closes: Compression, Gravitation

Additional Notes:

  • This is currently the only Blood Pact: Ward that deals any form of direct damage (not spikes.)

Macro Syntax

  • /pet "Somnolence" <t>

Historical Background

Somnolence (or "drowsiness") is a state of near-sleep, a strong desire for sleep, or sleeping for unusually long periods. It has two distinct meanings, referring both to the usual state preceding falling asleep, and the chronic condition referring to being in that state independent of a circadian rhythm. The disorder characterized by the latter condition is most commonly associated with the use of prescription medications such as mirtazapine or zolpidem.