Category:Job Abilities

From HorizonXI Wiki

Abilities are commands that utilize the /ja command. Similar to magic, abilities suffer from Job Ability Recast that inhibits the player from repeating an ability until the delay has taken effect. Some exceptions apply since players enjoy a multitude of ways to remove the delay. However, unlike magic, abilities have no activation delay, so they activate instantly.

Using Abilities /ja "Ability Name" <target> Availability

Abilities are only available if you meet the required Job and level requirements. Generally, once a player has reached the required Job level, he or she instantly gains access to abilities learned at that level. This applies to Support Jobs as well.

Exceptions,In some cases, a player may not have access to an ability even if they meet the Job and level requirements.

Job Abilities by Job


Soul Voice (2 Hour)
Pianissimo (Level 20)
Nightingale (Merited)
Troubadour (Merited)


Familiar (2 Hour)
Fight (Level 1 Pet Command)
Charm (Level 1)
Gauge (Level 10)
Heel (Level 10 Pet Command)
Reward (Level 12 Pet Command)
Stay (Level 15 Pet Command)
Sic (Level 25 Pet Command)
Call Beast (Level 23)
Tame (Level 30)
Leave (Level 35 Pet)
Snarl (Level 45 Pet)
Feral Howl (Level 75 Merited)
Killer Instinct (Level 75 Merited)

Black Mage

Manafont (2 Hour)
Elemental Seal (Level 15)

Blue Mage (not in yet)

Azure Lore (2 Hour)
Burst Affinity (Level 25)
Chain Affinity (Level 40)
Convergence (Level 75 Merited)
Diffusion (Level 75 Merited)

Corsair (not in yet)

Wild Card (2 Hour)
Phantom Roll (Level 5)
Double-Up (Level 5)
Quick Draw (Level 40)
Random Deal (Level 50)
Snake Eye (Level 75 Merited)
Fold (Level 75 Merited)

Dancer (not in yet)

Trance (2 Hour)
Sambas (Level 5)
Waltzes (Level 15)
Steps (Level 20)
Flourishes I (Level 20)
Jigs (Level 25)
Flourishes II (Level 40)
Contradance (Level 50)
Saber Dance (Level 75 Merited)
Fan Dance (Level 75 Merited)
No Foot Rise (Level 75 Merited)

Dark Knight

Blood Weapon (2Hour)
Arcane Circle (Level 5)
Last Resort (Level 15)
Weapon Bash (Level 20)
Souleater (Level 30)
Dark Seal (Level 75 Merited)
Diabolic Eye (Level 75 Merited)


Spirit Surge (2Hour)
Call Wyvern (Level 1)
Elemental Breath (Level 1 Pet)
Healing Breath (Level 1 Pet)
Remove Breath (Level 1 Pet)
Ancient Circle (Level 5)
Jump (Level 10)
Spirit Link (Level 25)
High Jump (Level 35)
Super Jump (Level 50)
Super Climb (Level 50 Pet)
Deep Breathing (Level 75 Merited)
Angon (Level 75 Merited)


Hundred Fists (2 Hour)
Boost (Level 5)
Focus (Level 15)HorizonXI specific changes
Dodge (Level 25)HorizonXI specific changes
Chakra (Level 35)
Chi Blast (Level 41)
Counterstance (Level 45)
Footwork (Level 65)
Mantra (Level 75 Merited)
Formless Strikes (Level 75 Merited)


Mijin Gakure (2 Hour)
Sange (Level 75 Merited)


Invincible (2 Hour)
Holy Circle (Level 5)
Shield Bash (Level 15)
Sentinel (Level 30)
Cover (Level 35)
Chivalry (Level 40) HorizonXI specific changes
Rampart (Level 62)
Fealty (Level 75 Merited)

Puppetmaster (not in yet)

Overdrive (2 Hour)
Activate (Level 1)
Deploy (Level 1 Pet)
Deactivate (Level 1 Pet)
Maneuvers (Level 1 Pet)
Deus Ex Automata (Level 5)
Retrieve (Level 10 Pet)
Repair (Level 15)
Role Reversal (Level 75 Merited)
Ventriloquy (Level 75 Merited)


Eagle Eye Shot (2 Hour)
Sharpshot (Level 1)
Scavenge (Level 10)
Camouflage (Level 20)
Barrage (Level 30)
Shadowbind (Level 40)
Velocity Shot (Level 45)
Unlimited Shot (Level 51)
Stealth Shot (Level 75 Merited)
Flashy Shot (Level 75 Merited)

Red Mage

Chainspell (2 Hour)
Convert (Level 40


Meikyo Shisui (2 Hour)
Warding Circle (Level 5)
Third Eye (Level 15)
Hasso (Level 25)
Meditate (Level 30)
Seigan (Level 35)
Sekkanoki (Level 40)
Shikikoyo (Level 75 Merited)
Blade Bash (Level 75 Merited)

Scholar (not in yet)

Tabula Rasa (2 Hour)
Light Arts (Level 10)
Dark Arts (Level 10)
Sublimation (Level 35)
Modus Veritas (Level 65)
Enlightenment (Level 75 Merited)


Astral Flow (2 Hour)
Assault (Level 1 Pet)
Blood Pact: Rage (Level 1 Pet)
Blood Pact: Ward (Level 1 Pet)
Release (Level 1 Pet)
Retreat (Level 1 Pet)
Elemental Siphon (Level 50)
Avatar's Favor (Level 55)


Perfect Dodge (2 Hour)
Steal (Level 5)
Sneak Attack (Level 15)
Flee (Level25)
Trick Attack (Level 30)
Mug (Level 35)
Hide (Level 45)
Accomplice (Level 65)
Collaborator (Level 65)
Assassin's Charge (Level 75 Merited)
Feint (Level 75 Merited)


Mighty Strikes (2 Hour)
Provoke (Level 5)
Berserk (Level 15)
Defender (Level 25)
Warcry (Level 35)
Aggressor (Level 45)
Retaliation (Level 60)
Warrior's Charge (Level 75 Merited)
Tomahawk (Ability) (Level 75 Merited)

White Mage

Benediction (2 Hour)
Divine Seal (Level 15)
Devotion (Level 45)
Martyr (Level 75 Merited)

Pages in category "Job Abilities"

The following 162 pages are in this category, out of 162 total.