Thunder IV (Blood Pact)

From HorizonXI Wiki
Thunder IV has an identical name. If an internal link incorrectly referred you to this page, please change the link to point directly to Thunder IV.

Thunder IV (Blood Pact)
Description: Deals lightning elemental damage.
Avatar: Ramuh
Blood Pact Type: Rage
Element: Lightning
Magic Burst: Impaction, Fragmentation
Damage Type: Magic
Level: 60
Duration: Instant
MP Cost: 118


The following information needs verifying Verification Needed Additional Notes:

  • Avatar's TP affects this ability.
  • Although TP is not required, it increases the damage dealt

TP Modifiers for Tier IV Nukes: Verification Needed

  • 100 TP = Base x 1.256
  • 200 TP = Base x 1.444
  • 300 TP = Base x 1.578

Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes


Macro Syntax

  • /pet "Thunder IV" <t>