Job Ability
Calls a beast to fight by your side.
Job: Beastmaster
Level: 23
Recast Time: 5 minutes
Duration: Dependent on jug pet used.
- Calls a Jug Pet/Familiar to your side to fight with you.
- In order to use this ability, user must have a jug equipped in the ammo slot.
- After a certain period, which varies based on the jug used, the summoned pet will disappear if it is still alive.
- Jug pets do not decharm.
- Use of Leave will despawn the jug pet.
- Monster Gloves and Monster Gloves +1 "Augument Call Beast" this effect is Haste 3% for pets, you do not need to keep the gloves equpied, they only need to be on when using Call Beast.
Horizon Changes
- Pets will persist through a player zoning, at the time of writing a feature unique to Horizon.
- All HQ Familiar's now cap at 75.
Macro Syntax
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