Ecliptic Growl

From HorizonXI Wiki

Ecliptic Growl
Description: Increases party member's statistics within area of effect.
Avatar: Fenrir
Blood Pact Type: Ward
Element: Dark
Level: 54 available at 54 instead of 43 in era
Duration: 3 minutes
MP Cost: 46


  • Two groups of stats (STR/DEX/VIT vs. AGI/INT/MND/CHR) are increased by a total 8, amount varies by moon phase.
  • Full Moon indicates largest increase in STR/DEX/VIT. New Moon indicates largest increase in AGI/INT/MND/CHR. 50% of Moon will have all 7 stats +4.
  • Avatar's TP does not affect this ability

Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes

Macro Syntax

  • /pet "Ecliptic Growl" <me>

Moon Affect

  • The figures in this table need verifying Verification Needed to be accurate on Horizon.