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Abbreviation: CHR
Charisma is a stat that helps determine the effectiveness of:
- The success rate of a Beastmaster's Charm Job Ability
- The strength of a Dancer's Curing Waltzes and Divine Waltzes.
- It is rumored to affect a number of other Job Abilities and passive "Killer" Job Traits (e.g. Undead Killer)
- Certain Weapon Skills (such as Dancing Edge, Shadowstitch, Primal Rend, and Mordant Rime) and certain Blue Magic (such as Bludgeon and Eyes on Me) are affected by Charisma.
- Reduces Light Maneuver burden if master CHR is higher than automaton CHR.
This stat is associated with the Light element.
Breakdown of Level 1 and 75 Charisma Stats by Race and Job Sorted Highest to Lowest
Based off Beastmaster Charisma score
Elvaan: 8 ; 63
Hume: 8 ; 63
Tarutaru: 8 ; 63
Galka: 7 ; 57
Mithra: 7 ; 57
Level 1 stats taken from FFXI official strategy guide, spring 2004 version.
Level 75 stats gathered from and do not include stat bonuses from sub jobs
CHR Rankings Based on Job
1. Beastmaster
2. Bard, Dancer, Summoner
5. Dragoon, Paladin, Puppetmaster, Scholar, White Mage
10. Black Mage, Blue Mage, Red Mage, Samurai
14. Corsair, Monk, Ranger, Warrior
18. Ninja
20. Dark Knight, Thief
See Also
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