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Abbreviation: STR

Strength is an offensive stat for both melee and ranged attacks. STR is associated with the Fire element. A stat that is compared with an enemy's vitality to determine the base damage of a character's attacks.


STR directly impacts attack and ranged attack:

  • For two-handed weapons: STR increases Attack at a rate of 75% (3 Attack per 4 STR).
  • For one-handed weapons (main hand): STR increases Attack at a rate of 75% (3 Attack per 4 STR).
  • For one-handed weapons (offhand): STR increases Attack at a rate of 50% (1 Attack per 2 STR).
  • For hand-to-hand weapons: STR increases Attack at a rate of 62.5% (5 Attack per 8 STR).
  • For ranged weapons: STR increases Ranged Attack at a rate of 50% (1 Attack per 2 STR).

Strength plays an integral role in physical damage calculations, particularly in the variable: fSTR, whereby the STR of a character is compared to the VIT of its enemy, resulting in a bonus/penalty.

Associated with the element of Fire. Many fire-based items add STR to a character's Stats. Example: Ifrit's Blade

Breakdown of Level 1 to 75 Strength Stats by Race and Job Sorted Highest to Lowest

Based off Warrior Strength score

Race Lv.1 Lv.75
Elvaan 9 69
Galka 9 67
Hume 8 64
Mithra 8 61
Tarutaru 7 58

Level 1 stats taken from FFXI official strategy guide, spring 2004 version.
Stats up to 99 taken from FFXI Stat Calculator and do not include subjobs. [1]

STR Rankings Based on Job

1. (Tied) Dark Knight, - Warrior
2. (Tied) Dragoon, - Paladin, Rune Fencer
3. (Tied) Monk, - Ninja, - Samurai
4. (Tied) Bard, - Beastmaster, - Dancer, - Red Mage, - Thief, - White Mage, - Blue Mage
5. (Tied) Corsair, - Puppetmaster, - Ranger
6. (Tied) Black Mage, - Scholar
7. Summoner

Set Blue Magic spells also have an impact on player STR, this ranking is based on a Blue Mage with zero spells set.