President Salaheem

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Immortal Sentries
Series Treasures of Aht Urhgan Missions
Starting NPC Naja SalaheemAht Urhgan Whitegate (I-10)
Title None
Repeatable No 
Description Deliver You have become an employee of Salaheem's Sentinels. Becoming a mercenary is not quite what you expected...mercenary contract.
Assault access
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Land of Sacred Serpents President Salaheem


  • Talk to Rytaal at the Commission Agency (K-10).
  • Return to Naja Salaheem who will tell you to talk to Fubruhn (F-11). (This step is optional).Verification Needed
    • It is highly suggested that you speak to Fubruhn, and select to have access to the Mog Locker in all Mog House for all nations.
  • You will now need to wait until Japanese Midnight to progress further in the missions.Verification Needed
  • Zone before talking to Naja again.
  • Talk with Naja Salaheem again multiple times until you get a cutscene with Raillefal