Eco-Warrior (Bastok)
From HorizonXI Wiki
Eco-Warrior (Bastok) | |
Starting NPC | Raifa, Port Bastok (D-6) |
Required Fame | None |
Items Needed | ![]() |
Additional Requirements | Bastok Reputation 1 Level Cap: 20 Eco-Warrior (San d'Oria) or Eco-Warrior (Windurst) not currently active You have not already completed an Eco-Warrior quest in the current Conquest period, and in rotation: see notes for June 15th update. |
Title | Cerulean Soldier |
Repeatable | Yes, once per conquest tally |
Rewards | |
Dragon Chronicles Tale Of The Wandering Heroes 10,000 gil ![]() |
- You can check what Eco-Warrior you can do for the week with Eeko-Weeko found at Ru'Lude Gardens (I-9)
- Before attempting this quest, designate a leader so that the group functions as a team. This is essential for the success of this quest. Make sure you have a near-full alliance unless you are using two or more Summoners with Ifrit's Astral Flow ability, Inferno.
- Talk to Raifa in the Steaming Sheep Restaurant in Port Bastok (D-6).
- If you cannot get the quest, Raifa says...
- Something about the food. (You have already completed an Eco-Warrior quest this Conquest period or you do not have enough fame)
- "...Can I have a moment of your time? Oh, but you look busy..." (You are currently involved in another Eco-Warrior quest)
- If you cannot get the quest, Raifa says...
- Head to Gusgen Mines.
- Talk to Degga at (H-9). (You will see him on your right, toward the end of the entry corridor.) He applies an ointment that restricts your level to 20. Buffs do NOT wear with this level restriction. Buff before applying the restriction.
- Note that, once the level restriction is applied, only others with the same level restriction are able to cure or buff you.
- You lose the level restriction if you are KO'd. It may be reapplied at any time by speaking to Degga again once raised.
- Note: if you Reraise, you keep the level restriction.
- If you return to your Home Point after being KO'd or otherwise leave the area in any way, you lose any progress made in the quest since talking to Degga.
- At the very first 4-way intersection (H-9), go down the east corridor (turn right).
- Turn left at (I-9).
- Turn right at (I-8).
- Follow the path north to (I-6).
- Camp on the eastern side of (H-6).
- The ??? is on a chest in the middle of the deck at (H-6). Have someone with sneak pop the NMs, or clear the area around the chest if needed.
- When ready, click the ??? to spawn two Pudding NMs.
- You must have the level restriction applied to spawn and engage these NMs.
- Any player without the level restriction in place who attempts to help another player with it will be instantly KO'ed.
- The Puddings spawn with aggro toward the party member who spawns them. If Sneak is applied, the spawner is still aggroed. Clicking the ??? removes any Sneak effect.
- The Puddings are Slime-type NMs. As such, they are weak against magic, but highly resistant to physical attack. As they gain TP, they use a strong version of Fluid Spread, the Slime AOE attack, that causes critical damage to anyone in range. This is a common cause of wipes.
- After the NMs are defeated, touch the ??? again to receive an
Indigested Ore.
- You must have the Level Restriction applied to obtain the key item.
- Should you change areas during or after the fight, but before obtaining the key item, clicking the ??? causes the Puddings to respawn. They must be defeated again for you to obtain the key item.
- Return to Degga to have your ointment/level restriction removed. It may also be removed through logging out and back in, or simply warping out of the mines, but it's still needed to talk with him in order to continue the quest.
- Return to Raifa in Port Bastok to receive your reward.
- as of the June 15th 2024 update: Adventurers must now clear all three (3) Eco-Warrior quests before they can repeat an Eco-Warrior quest in a particular nation.
- You can only have one Eco-Warrior quest active at any time. This includes Eco-Warrior (Windurst), Eco-Warrior (San d'Oria) and Eco-Warrior (Bastok).
- Eco-Warrior quests cannot be cancelled.
- Only one Eco-Warrior quest can be completed per Conquest Tally.
- For strategies see Talk:Eco-Warrior (Bastok).