Out of the depths

From HorizonXI Wiki
Out of the depths
Series Missions
Starting NPC Ayame
Metalworks (K-7
Items Needed Hoary Bomb Ash
Title None
Repeatable No 
Description A Goblin lair known as Movalpolos has suddenly appeared in North Gustaberg. Ayame wishes you to investigate this lair with the cooperation of a visiting scholar waiting in Port Bastok.
3000 Gil
← Previous Mission Next Mission →
None A Question of Faith


Talk to Ayame (outside of Metalworks in Bastok, where the Consulates are located, she is in the upper Cannon Room) and accept her "job offer."

Next go talk to Ravorara in Port Bastok (E-7) out of the Steaming Sheep Resturant.

Go to Oldton Movalpolos and talk to Brakobrik at K-11, select the option "I getting you."

Proceed to kill Ancient Bombs and gather 11 Hoary Bomb Ashes.

Hoary Bomb Ash.png

Each kill can give you up to 4 hoary bomb ash. These bombs are in the tunnels around the zone.

When you have collected 11 Hoary Bomb Ashes, trade them in ANY order to Brakobrik.

He will not say anything to you inbetween trades, just continue on with the next trade.

Trade 1 Hoary Bomb Ash to get the Dusty Tome key item.

Trade 2 Hoary Bomb Ashes to get the Pointed Jug key item.

Trade 3 Hoary Bomb Ashes to get the Cracked Club key item.

Trade 4 Hoary Bomb Ashes to get the Peeling Hairpin key item.

After you get these four key items, head back to Ravorara (E-7) in Port Bastok.

Back and Forth

Talk to Ravorara four times - once for each key item. You will receive a total of 1,000 gil for these four items.

At this point, the quest is semi-repeatable. After turning in the key items to Ravorara, you may farm upto ten more Hoary Bomb Ash. Trade them again to Brakobrik. In exchange, he will give you more of the key items listed above, up to one of each. You may then talk to Ravorara again and you will receive a total of 1,000 gil for each these four items.

Go back to Oldton Movalpolos and trade the last Hoary Bomb Ash to Brakobrik. When he asks if you'll accept his item or not, choose NOT to accept it this time. You will instead receive the key item: Old Nametag.

Come back to Port Bastok and talk to Ravorara again. Finally, go Bastok Mines and speak with Pavvke, in a house on the lower level of I-7 to finish the quest and get your reward of 1,200 gil.