Only the Best

From HorizonXI Wiki
Revision as of 18:09, 26 January 2025 by Raegn (talk | contribs) (→‎Maximum Reputation: Moved Jeuno Fame to its own column for all 3 tables because it is impacted by other factors besides just Bastok+Sandy fame, and thus should scale differently. Added Millioncorn data from Discussion page to the table. Changed phrasing on some of the headings)
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Only the Best
Starting NPC MelyonSelbina (I-9)
Required Fame None 
Items Needed La Theine Cabbage x5 or
Millioncorn x3 or
Boyahda Moss x1
Title None
Repeatable Yes
100g-600g depending on items turned in


  • Trade Melyon any of the below to complete the quest.
  • La Theine Cabbage x5 = 100g reward (240g/stack)
  • Millioncorn x3 = 120g reward (480g/stack)
  • Boyahda Moss x1 = 600g reward (7200g/stack)
    • The following macro can be used to trade the Moss while directly facing Melyon.
      This macro will only work with Boyahda Moss because it is not possible to trade more than one item at a time via a macro.
    • /targetnpc
    • /item "Boyahda Moss" <t>


  • This Quest will raise Reputation in two of the main nations (Bastok and San d'Oria) plus Jeuno. It does not affect Windurst reputation. Contrary to popular rumor, this quest has been shown NOT to lower Tenshodo (Norg) reputation.
  • It takes approximately 5 seconds per trade when using the Boyahda Moss macro and going through the NPC chat prompts as quickly as possible; mostly due to Melyon having extended pauses between chat lines. At maximum speed with all 25 stacks of moss in Inventory, this quest will take approximately 1500 seconds (25 minutes) to reach Reputation 9.

Achieving Specific Reputation Levels

Entries without the caution symbol have been confirmed by Horizon users (see "Discussion" page.) Add testimonials to discussion page if you have new info, but please note before editing: this table is only for fresh characters with 0 regional quests and 0 missions completed!

Bastok/San d'Oria/Jeuno reputation from Millioncorn: (from zero reputation)
Total Stacks Total # of trades Bastok & San d'Oria Reputation Level Jeuno Reputation Level
Verification Needed Verification Needed 2 Verification Needed
Verification Needed Verification Needed 3 Verification Needed
Verification Needed Verification Needed 4 Verification Needed
Verification Needed Verification Needed 5 Verification Needed
24 96 6 Verification Needed
25 100 7 Verification Needed
Verification Needed Verification Needed 8 Verification Needed
30 120 9 Verification Needed
Bastok/San d'Oria/Jeuno reputation from Boyahda Moss: (from zero reputation)
Total Stacks Total # of trades Bastok & San d'Oria Reputation Level Jeuno Reputation Level
Verification Needed Verification Needed 2 Verification Needed
Verification Needed Verification Needed 3 Verification Needed
Verification Needed Verification Needed 4 Verification Needed
Verification Needed Verification Needed 5 Verification Needed
Verification Needed Verification Needed 6 Verification Needed
Verification Needed Verification Needed 7 Verification Needed
Verification Needed Verification Needed 8 Verification Needed
7Verification Needed 84Verification Needed 9 Verification Needed
Bastok/San d'Oria/Jeuno reputation from La Theine Cabbage: (from zero reputation)
Total Stacks Total # of trades Bastok & San d'Oria Reputation Level Jeuno Reputation Level
Verification Needed Verification Needed 2 Verification Needed
30 72 3 Verification Needed
Verification Needed Verification Needed 4 Verification Needed
60 144 5 Verification Needed
Verification Needed Verification Needed 6 Verification Needed
90 216 7 Verification Needed
Verification Needed Verification Needed 8 Verification Needed
120 288 9 Verification Needed