Yagudo Fletchings
Bag of Yagudo fletchings Yagudo feathers that are fitted to the nock end of the arrow shafts. They add to the directional stability of arrows in flight. Stackable: 99 Crafting Material: See list Other Uses Resale Price: 3~4 gil Synthesis Recipes Clothcraft (22/33) Yield: Yagudo Fletchings x 6 HQ 1: Yagudo Fletchings x 8 HQ 2: Yagudo Fletchings x 10 HQ 3: Yagudo Fletchings x 12 Wind Crystal 2 x Yagudo Feather Clothcraft (22/33) Yield: Yagudo Fletchings x 18 HQ 1: Yagudo Fletchings x 24 HQ 2: Yagudo Fletchings x 30 HQ 3: Yagudo Fletchings x 36 Wind Crystal Fletching 6 x Yagudo Feather 1 x Zephyr Thread
Used in Recipes
09 Bone Arrow
42 Fang Arrow
65 Gold Arrow
73 Platinum Arrow
30 Silver Arrow
How to Obtain
Auction House Category: Materials > Woodworking Can be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources. Only obtainable through synthesis.w