From HorizonXI Wiki
Some general Addon commands.
- /addon load [name] - Loads specified addon
- /addon unload [name] - Unloads specified addon
- /addon reload [name] - Reloads specified addon
- /addon unloadall - Unloads all loaded addons
- /addon list - Lists currently running addons
Parser for Ashita v4
- You can type /dps or /deeps to show the available commands.
- Left clicking on a bar will show additional details about the damage dealt, right click to go back.
- Shift clicking the background will allow you to reposition the window.
Changes the combat music for a zone to match the zone's default music.
/fps is the main command for this addon
- the default of 30 fps is /fps 2
- 60 fps cap is /fps 1
- /fps 0 is uncapped
- setting /fps to numbers other than 1 or 2 can break the game a bit, for instance /fps 20 will basically soft lock your game from typing inputs forcing you to relog.
- /fps show - Toggles the FPS text visibility.
- /fps color [a] [r] [g] [b] - Sets the FPS text color.
- /fps font [face] [height] - Sets the FPS text font face and height.
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