Alchemy/Guild Points Items

From HorizonXI Wiki
These items are bought using Alchemy Guild Points.
Rank Points Item Notes
Novice 200 High Quality Crystal Can be used to sign a crafted item. For available options see High Quality Crystals.
10,000 Key ItemTritu­ration This special alchemy ability allows you to place ingre­dients in a Tritu­rator, making it easier to process more medicines with one crystal.
10,000 Key ItemIatro­chemis­try This special alchemy ability allows you to augment an automaton using the techniques of chemical medicine.
20,000 Key ItemConcoc­tion This special alchemy ability allows you to concen­trate ingre­dients to create medicines in the form of a solid drop. These drops have the same effect as their liquid equi­valents.
20,000 Key ItemAnima Syn­thesis This forbidden type of alchemy is used to drain elemental energy from remnants of lost memories, and transform it into a partially materia­lized "quasi­spirit" known as Anima.
40,000 Key ItemAlche­mic Ensorcell­ment This special alchemy ability allows you to enchant catalysts with the power of black magic.
40,000 Key ItemAlche­mic Puri­fication This special alchemy ability allows you to enchant catalysts with the power of white magic.
Appren­tice 10,000 Alche­mist's Belt A belt that has Enchant­ment: Syn­thesis Image Support
Journey­man 70,000 Caduceus A Club that gives +1 to your Alchemy skill.
Title obtained: Information Needed
Artisan 100,000 Alche­mist's Apron An apron that gives +1 to your Alchemy skill.
Title obtained: Information Needed
Veteran 150,000 Emeralda A piece of Furniture that gives Mog­hance­ment: Alchemy Skill.
Title obtained: Information Needed