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Avatar Physical Accuracy

From HorizonXI Wiki

Merit Point Enhancement

  • Category: Job-specific - Group 1 (Summoner)
  • Limits: 5 levels (Merit Point Progression: 1>2>3>4>5 = 15 points total)
  • Description: Each level increases the Physical Accuracy of all summoned avatars and spirits by 3 per level, to a maximum bonus of 15 Accuracy at level 5.
  • Further Notes:
  • Magical abilities (e.g. Element II/IV Blood Pacts, Meteorite, Nether Blast, and Astral Flow blood pacts) are not affected by this enhancement. See Avatar Magical Accuracy
  • Avatar Physical Accuracy is also enhanced by the addition of Summoning Magic skill exceeding the Summoner's current natural cap. 1 Accuracy is awarded for every 1 Summoning Magic Skill you are over the capVerification Needed.
  • "Enhances Avatar Accuracy" gear grants Accuracy+14. This effect stacks and applies to both Blood Pacts and Regular Hits.Verification Needed

Equipment that also provides this bonus

Item Level Slot
Herder's Subligar 25 Legs
Aega's Doublet 32 Body
Summoner's Bracers 72 Hands
Summoner's Bracers +1 75 Hands
Evoker's Spats 52 Legs
Evoker's Spats +1 74 Legs
Fenrir's Crown* 70 Head
Nirvana * 75 Staff
Royal Redingote / Mirke Wardecors /
Nuevo Coselete Augmented
75 Body
Tatsumaki Sitagoromo / Blitzer Poleyn /
Desultor Tassets Augmented
75 Legs
Fay Crozier * 75 Staff
  • Fenrir's Crown only applies the accuracy bonus for Fenrir.
  • Augmented rewards from add-on packs require selection of the appropriate augments to gain this effect.
  • Fay Crozier only applies if the appropriate augment is received from the Succor to the Sidhe quest.