Bst gear guide

From HorizonXI Wiki

Welcome to a gear bst guide. There has been some questions on what to gear go after as people reach certain bst levels so here is a general guide to help out and broken up by level range. What I wont discuss much here is weapons with a few exceptions at higher levels. There are 3 sets at each level range (charm, Tp, WS) until you hit 70+ and haste is an option. There is also pet sets and Reward which I will briefly touch on. WS does break down after 55 into rampage/multi hit WS and single/double hit WS.

Suggest paths by level range:

1-50 This is all very basic and nothing specific to BST so you can use these sets on other melee jobs or brd if you want. Focus is on most important pieces and optional/bcnm/enm pieces added in comment below.

Basic Charm set

Basic Charm set.jpg

Here is your basic charm set:

Hope ring x2 - +2 chr level 14
Noble's Ribbon +3 Chr level 14
Bird Whistle +3 chr Level 15
Corsette +1 +6 Chr level 40

Pet Sets optional

Pet stats 1-75 ready/call beast This set is optional but can get some good value out of it. I would recomend saving seals for PCA or high cost gil purchases later before coming back to these pieces.

Shepherds set

Shepherds head (ready macro piece or TP in 21-69 BCNM 20)
Shepherds body (ready macro piece or TP in 39-57 BCNM 40)
Shepherds hand (niche use if you want pet regen skip)
Shepherds legs (very little value skip)
Shepherds boots (Ready macro piece BCNM 30)
Beastly Earring (ready Macro level 72 DM)
Monster Gloves (relic gives haste +4% to pet on call beast)

Use Shepherd pieces as macros for ready and later on add in earring to give pet +15 acc which is huge, relic gloves also will go a long way if you get them for call beast.

Reward 1-50 Optional

This is completely optional but just use +mnd gear if you want to increase reward results

Reward status I 51-70

Reward 51-70.jpg

Jacket has reward removes paralyze, blind, and poison from pet
Giaters increases rewards healing by 10%. 

Reward Status II 75

Reward Status III.jpg

You will use the feet (20% extra healing on reward) and switch in the jacketing depending on status. Add in extra mnd gear if you can.
Ogre Gloves - 10% more reward HP level 70
Monster Jacket - Removes Weight, Slow, and Silence from pet
Beast Jacket - removes paralyze, blind, and poison from pet
-You could get away with Beast Jacket most of the the time as slow is the most determental effect to pet damage on Moster Jacket

1-30 TP

TP 1-30.jpg

Optional BCNM Leaping lizard boots
Optional RSE if relevent

1-30 WS

WS 1-30.jpg

Balance ring x2 - +2 str level 14
Brave belt +2 str level 18
Spike necklace +3 str Level 21
Optional RSE if relevent

31-40 TP

TP 31-40.jpg

Optional RSE if relevent 
BCNM 40 the PCC/PCA at 40 optional till 55
Optional ENM 40 Woodman ring or buy 
Optional Buy Snipers ring
+5 ACC ring x2 ideal but not needed

41-50 TP

TP 41-50.jpg

BCNM 40 the PCC/PCA at 40 
Optional ENM 40 Woodman ring or buy 
Optional Buy Snipers ring
+5 ACC ring x2 ideal but not needed
Recemend 2x axe its a cheap +10 acc per axe
Chest and feet multiple options
(/nin acc with 2x woodsman/snipers and PCC is +53 acc)

WS 41-50

WS 41-50.jpg

Optional RSE if relevent
Multiple chest/hand/feet to choose and use


51-70 Charm set

Charm 51-70.jpg

Only changes from before are including the AF and updating rings. Optional is light staff. Recoment 2 sets to charm one with staff and without staff.

51-60 TP

TP 51-60.jpg

Ok good news is that BCNM 60 AA can drop ores to help fund this stage. 
55 Ryl.Grd. Collar +4 acc/atk CP points rank 6 Sandy
56 Mermans gotget +5 acc/atk
56 Coral/reraise gorget + 3 acc/atk (reraise II)
57 Spectacles +7 acc (hard to find on AH BCNM 60)
Options for head/feet as you see fit
Toredor's ring can be gotten from ENM 50
Ideal is 2 toredons, snipers/woodman x2 works, or venerer ring+ 1 snipers/woodman at this point.
Use Vikings axe as either MH or OH depending on your acc. (95% with tuna sushi in partys)

Rampage 55-60

Same as above with the option of swapping weapon/hands/rings in any combination as needed as long as you would stay at 95% acc. As a 5 hit (6 hit with /nin) ACC trumps other stats. Swap in str/dex/atk if acc capped.

WS 51-60

WS 51-60.jpg

Like TP set the head and hands have multiple options for STR waist you could use royal knights belt if you want more STR over atk. This works well for any 1-2 hit WS. 


From here to 75 work on getting rank 6 minumum (10 ideal) and ZM and COP to complete. The rewards are very much worth it. I will just put in starter sets which consist of gil+story/nm rewards that anyone should be able to achieve in a group of 6 or less without engaging in endgame activities such as limbus or dynamis.

75 sets

75 TP ACC starter set

TP 75 starter set.jpg

This is a starter acc set for endgame activities. 
-Optical hat is a level poped 85 NM can farm eyes to have high level alchymist make cluster. Multiple bst ideal to kill NM with a party (or slightly less)
-Rajs is reward from completing COP 8-4
-Beastly Earring reward from finishing up DM
set is ~64 acc (52 acc+10 dex+5 skill) 

Look to add Stealth Earring and Brutal Earring from Limbus ABC (75 each) look to get Temperance torque from Jailer of Temperance (6.3 acc/atk vs PCA 10 acc)

70 Haste stater set

Haste starter set.jpg

The changes to this set from ACC are dusk hands (3% haste) and feet (2% haste) along with swift belt (4% haste 50 cap COP pop NM) gives you 9% haste and trades off 12 acc. Upgrades would include byakkos hiadate (5% haste legs). 

75 WS starter set

WS 75 starter.jpg

Look to replace neck with WS gorget and invest into elemental OBI if you are closing SC (if it maches day/weather 10% sc damage works on magicial WS as well if day/weather match)
As before look to get Brutal earring (75 ABC from Limbus) There are options for feet/hands not included but ideal hands would be Enkelados's Brc.<RSE hands (if applicable)<=orger gloves<Alkyoneus's Brc.

75 Rampage/Decimation set

75 Rampage starter.jpg Simliar to ACC set swap in combination of hands/ring/feet/legs as needed to get most STR while being hit capped (95%). WS gorget from sea might be an upgrade, Brutal earring as well, byakkos hiadate for the dex acc. Legs=feet>hands>ring for swapping out for STR based on acc in those slots.

75 Max duration Charm set

Charm Max duration.jpg

+24 charm for +125% duraction charms. Include chr and again 2 sets one with light staff and another without.

75 Weapons to consider

75 Axe options II.jpg

Off hand options
Barbaroi axe if you need pet acc+3 for pet burn and you are not meleeing
Viking Off hand if you really need more acc 
Rune axe (x2) if your soloing with gaudy harness for 10 hp a tic
Temperance axe- best tp gaining off hand but you will need stacks of stones as you will burn through them fast. ~55% activation rate)
Juggernaut - very spendy but a beast of an axe wit +30 atk 
Woodville's - High damage and STR+4
Main Hand
Martial Axe - buffs ws damage for Minstral, calamity and spinning axe, more acc on Decimation, higher crit on rampage
Man Eater latent is triggered under 1000 tp and during ws (49 dmg +5 acc +18 atk) can be gotten in ENM 75 "like th e wind" and "totentanz."

Noteable BCNM/POP NMs/ENM/MISSION rewards

BCNM 20: Shooting Fish Shepherds Head 3 people
BCNM 30: Toadal Recall Shepherds Feet 6 people
BCNM 40: Undying_Promise Shepherd Doublet 3 people
BCNM 40: Under_Observation PCA 3 people
ENM 40: Bad Seed Woodsman Ring 6 people
ENM 40: Test Your Mite Woodsman Ring 6 people
ENM 40: Fire in the Sky Woodman Ring 3 people
50 Cap Sacrarium Swift Belm NM 
ENM 50: Pulling the Plug Solo-6 people
BCNM 60: Amphibian Assault 6 people (element ore garunteed drop for gil)
ENM 75 Like the Wind Maneater axe Solo-3
75 Divine Might Beastly Earring 18 people
75 COP 8-4 Rajas ring 6 people