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Buburimu Peninsula Monument

From HorizonXI Wiki
Buburimu Peninsula.png

Located at (J-5) along the coast of the Buburimu Peninsula, this monument has words carved into the stone:

Buburimu is famous for the miraculous rocks of Gibubu, meaning "lighthouse" in the Tarutaru tongue. True to their name, the spires help sailors and fishermen weather the storms.

Like crooked towers they loom, each adorned with a great crystal that glimmers at night.

I theorize that here, in the days of old, was ore of the highest purity, known in our legends as orichalcum.

I believe that ages brought decay to the surrounding bedrock, whilst the ore itself remained. The Tarutaru then wrought their magic upon them to make them shimmer everlastingly.

Still, however, I yearn to know why the ore was here in the first place.

--Enid Ironheart, 778 Crystal Era.

See Also