Cloudy Orb

From HorizonXI Wiki


Cloudy orb RareExclusive
It is difficult to see what is inside this
milky-colored gem.

(Level restriction: characters Lv. 21
and above will be reduced to Lv. 20)

Stackable: Not Stackable

Other Uses

NPC Sell Price: Cannot be sold to NPCs.

Battlefield: BCNM (see below)

Synthesis Recipes


Used in Recipes

  • None

Desynthesis Recipe


Obtained From Desynthesis

  • None

How to Obtain

Cannot be auctioned, traded, bazaared, or delivered on retail items could be delivered to a character on the same account. to a character on the same account. AH Black.png


Price: 20 Beastmen's Seals
Name Location Type
Shami Port Jeuno (H-8) Orb Merchant

Used to enter the following BCNMs



Maximum Members

Time Limit

Charming Trio Balga's Dais 3 members 15 minutes
Crustacean Conundrum Waughroon Shrine
Shooting Fish Horlais Peak
Wings of Fury Ghelsba Outpost