[[{{SUBST:Confessions of a Registrar}}| ]]  The Mog House Next Door #1 Here come the Mog House Raiders!
[[{{SUBST:Confessions of a Registrar}}| ]] 
[[{{SUBST:Confessions of a Registrar}}| ]] 
A closing prayer by Cloudwalker
It has been quite some time since the nations officially sanctioned marriages between adventurers. As of late, adventurer weddings have become an everyday occurrence in Vana'diel.
Here in Bastok, registrars are working nonstop to process the flood of wedding applications that arrive every day.
Recently, I talked to one such official, a registrar by the name of Cloudwalker.
Cloudwalker's chief function is registering adventurers at the Department of Industry. But when a wedding is scheduled to take place, he quickly assumes his other role as registrar, the official title bestowed upon wedding masters in Bastok.
"There is a certain guilty pleasure I receive in that I am provided an escape from my everyday routine," Cloudwalker admitted, "but the true joy lies within uniting two people who love each other."
Cloudwalker told me this with a look of genuine satisfaction after concluding yet another wedding service. From his sincerity and kind demeanor, one can see why he was chosen for this position.
I was suddenly struck by an odd thought. As Galka are brought into the world through reincarnation, the concept of wives and families must be somewhat alien to them. Would a Galka like Cloudwalker feel some resistance to the idea of marriage?
"When a Galka is betrothed to a woman of another race, the feelings of trust and confidence in each other are no lesser or greater than any other coupling," remarked Cloudwalker. "Even I, who am not married, can see from the joy in their faces that marriage is indeed a sacred institution."
Cloudwalker's statement is a testament to the deeply philosophical nature of the Galka--they are able to see and feel beneath the surface.
For my next question, I asked him if there was anything he found particularly memorable in the countless services he had performed.
"Guests at the wedding often propose to me after the service," Cloudwalker said, slightly embarrassed. "I'm sure that they are just overwhelmed by emotion after witnessing a beautiful ceremony, but to propose to someone you just met that day..."
I, for one, could easily understand the women's reactions to Cloudwalker's mighty physique and gentle eyes.
"There have been some couples who communicated with each other solely through their personal linkshells," Cloudwalker continued. "Though I understand their desire for privacy during such an intimate event, I cannot help but get a lonesome feeling inside when I see it."
"Every now and then, couples forget the arranged time, and don't show up at the wedding site at all. It is partly our fault for making them wait so many months, but it is rather...awkward to be waiting all alone in full uniform."
So perhaps the call of adventure and excitement is too strong in these adventurer couples for them to remember minor details such as their wedding dates?
"I wouldn't go that far," retorted Cloudwalker. "Many couples begin rehearsing months before their actual wedding, and are genuinely excited about the notion of getting married. Of course, it is often these overzealous couples that forget their lines during the actual ceremony."
Perhaps there is such a thing as being "too eager."
"But even mishaps like that will surely be considered wonderful memories after a time," Cloudwalker added warmly.
"There are also times when the couple is so nervous during the ceremony that they will attempt to put on their rings with gloves and such still equipped. This seems much more common with grooms."
I found the above story particularly amusing, as it seemed to describe well the contrast between the rugged everyday life of these adventurer couples and the elegant intimacy of a wedding ceremony.
"In truth, there are really no practical changes in a couple's relationship after marriage," Cloudwalker concluded. "But it does provide the foundation for a stronger emotional and spiritual bond. It is my hope that I can continue to foster such growth in some small capacity."
"To this end, I will continue to perform my duties as registrar to the best of my ability, so that I may provide couples with a memorable preface to the rest of their lives."
The interview ended on these strong, encouraging thoughts.
As the festivities wound down with the approaching dusk, the image of Cloudwalker busily cleaning up spent crackers and fireworks at the now quiet wedding site seemed most poignant.
[[{{SUBST:Confessions of a Registrar}}| ]] 
Taken from: Vana'diel Tribune II Issue No. 03
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