Conserve TP
From HorizonXI Wiki
Job Trait Overview
- Game Description: Occasionally cuts down TP cost of weapon skills.
- Job Traits are always active.
- Further Notes:
- "Conserve TP" occasionally reduces TP consumption on Weapon Skills. Does not affect Dancer abilities which cost TP.
- Player must have enough TP to do weaponskill or other applicable TP based abilty at their standard costs. Because this does not have a 100% activation rate, players may not use Conserve TP and be able to perform weaponskills at 999% or lower TP
- Amount of Conserve TP + determines proc rate, just like Conserve MP.
- See Tactical Points.
Equipment that Affects this Trait
No equipment naturally has this trait, but it can be inserted as augments into some of them.
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