[[{{SUBST:Disputes Over Dragille Royal Succession}}| ]]  Disputes over Dragille royal succession
[[{{SUBST:Disputes Over Dragille Royal Succession}}| ]] 

The Kingdom of San d'Oria, founded by the Elvaan, boasts a 500-year history, during which the Dragille royal family has faced numerous succession issues. Even today, history seems to repeat itself.
The contenders for the throne are King Destin's legitimate heirs, Prince Trion and Prince Pieuje. The elder brother, Prince Trion, is an excellent swordsman with a straightforward personality, while the younger brother, Prince Pieuje, is always calm and possesses a broad perspective. Whenever they have the chance to meet, the two are said to start arguing anywhere. Those who have witnessed the scene surprisingly often share a common comment, "Their arguments are petty, and one can imagine the troubles their younger sister, Princess Claidie, must endure."
Looking back at the history of the Dragille royal family, many past kings were similar in character to Prince Trion. San d'Oria is a kingdom ruled by knights, and a leader who cannot wield a sword would inevitably raise doubts about their leadership and commanding abilities. However, it is clear that the kingdom, exhausted by the Crystal War, no longer needs the heroes of the past. In this era of collaboration among the four nations, a broad perspective like Prince Pieuje's is in greater demand than a sword.
Thus, the kingdom of San d'Oria buzzes with discussions of the two princes both inside and outside the castle.
Although time will eventually resolve this issue, San d'Oria, under threat from the beastmen's forces, cannot afford to be preoccupied with internal disputes indefinitely. All we can do is hope that the heir to the throne is decided before any unfortunate incidents occur. (Ainworth)
[[{{SUBST:Disputes Over Dragille Royal Succession}}| ]] 
Taken from: Vana'diel Tribune Issue No. 1
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