[[{{SUBST:Doggvdegg}}| ]]  Vana'diel Profiles Doggvdegg, Harbinger of Disaster
[[{{SUBST:Doggvdegg}}| ]] 
[[{{SUBST:Doggvdegg}}| ]] 

Commander of the Bloodwing Horde, an Orcish army sworn into the service of the Shadow Lord. Also known as "Kingslayer Doggvdegg."
Doggvdegg is said to have risen from the ranks of the common soldiers, but little is known of his origins. His notoriety began in 851, when Doggvdegg single-handedly slew King Grantieul R d'Oraguille and his retinue of ten bodyguards during a royal hunt. (The name of Doggvdegg became public knowledge after an Eastern San d'Orian dissident was arrested for planning the assassination, and forced to reveal the full details of the crime.)
In 858, Doggvdegg acted as a captain in the Bloodwing Horde during the Orcs' clash with the armies of the Shadow Lord (the War of Savages). The Orcish forces were defeated, and Doggvdegg was incarcerated in the dungeons of Castle Zvahl for an entire year after slaughtering over three hundred demons on the field of battle. When his imprisonment ended, he was returned to the Bloodwing Horde--now the Orcish arm of the Shadow Lord's army--and was eventually promoted to the position of commander.
In the year 862--the beginning of the Crystal War--the "Kingslayer" lured the San d'Orian Royal Knights into the forest and decimated their ranks with devastating ambush tactics (the Battle of Jugner). He followed up on this victory by invading Ronfaure and laying siege to the capital for a period lasting three weeks.

Doggvdegg was a gigantic Orc, and his appearance on the field, often on a bugard mount, would be accompanied by a characteristic tremor that would echo all the way to the chateau, terrifying the citizens of San d'Oria on a nightly basis.
He was also known to have commanded the Bloodwing Horde during battles fought in Valkurm, Gustaberg, and Batallia. However, Doggvdegg disappeared from the history pages after the conflict in Xarcabard, where it is said he defeated the San d'Orian general Phillieulais in single combat. (Beastmen records concur with this account.)
While people remember Doggvdegg as a vicious and cunning monster, the Orcs revere his memory as a merciful and just warrior--a hero among soldiers.
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Taken from: Vana'diel Tribune II Issue No. 10
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