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From HorizonXI Wiki
Gender: Female
Race: Hume
Bestiary: [[:Category: NPCs|]]
Affiliation: Bastok
Adventurer's Assistant, General Information, map of Bastok


Offers General Information and a Map of Bastok:

I am charged with the task of assisting novice adventurers. What would you like to know?
  • "How do I give items to people?": Giving items ot other people is called "trading." It is done by selecting "Trade" from the main menu on the right. You must target the person either before or after selecting "Trade." Then just choose the items you wish to give the person when your inventory window appears. "Trading" is crucial to completing quests and missions, and also during conquests. Remember it well. If you have an Adventurer Coupon in your possession, use "Trade" now to give it to me. I will hand you some starting gil in return. Come to me if there is anything more you would like to know.
  • "Where can I fight monsters?": Before you take on any fiends, there are a few things you should remember. First, always have weapons and armor equipped, and spells memorized from scrolls. Second, always "check" your target before engaging it. Never take on a foe that seems too strong for you to defeat alone. Third, when you are in a party, make it a habit to cast lots for your share of the party "spoils" after successfully defeating a monster. Come to me if there is anything more you would like to know.
  • "What are quests and missions?": Some people in town will ask you to do certain taks for them. These are called "quests." Complete them, and they should reward you for your efforts. There are also tasks you can do for your country, known as "missions." There is a guard at each gate charged with assigning them. Speak to the guards for more details. Come to me if there is anything more you would like to know.
  • "I want to see a map of the city.": [Displays an overview map of Bastok]
  • "Nothing for now.": Come to me if there is anything more you would like to know.