HorizonXI Wiki
Welcome to the Official HorizonXI Wiki!
HorizonXI Wiki
Welcome to the HorizonXI Wiki, the official Wiki for the level 75 cap, 'Era+' private FFXI server, HorizonXI (link to site). The server is currently based upon the Chains of Promathia era but with some custom balancing changes, new exp camps etc. A list of discovered changes can be found via the Horizon Changes page and for a list of content outside the current era, check the Out of era page.
The wiki is not maintained by HorizonXI staff.
Editing the HorizonXI Wiki
Anyone looking to help edit the HorizonXI Wiki, please refer to the Editing Guidelines page for further information. All edits are appreciated, however large or small. For further assistance, please visit the HorizonXI Wiki discord server or checkout our Editor Hub section.
About HorizonXI
HorizonXI launched on December 17th 2022 in the "Chains of Promathia" era and provides its adventurers with a level 75 era+ experience that maintains the spirit of Final Fantasy XI (FFXI) as if SquareEnix had continued to develop the game without ever having raised the level cap above 75. For further information about the server, please visit the official website found here.
AirSkyBoat is the code base that HorizonXI uses as a base for the server code. You can find their Github repository here.
As of February 2025 AirSkyBoat is going to be archived and will receive no further updates. Horizon is currently in the process of undergoing a code re-base and will be moving away from ASB in due course.
Ashita is a third party enhancement / modification for the popular MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI. It comes as standard with the HorizonXI installation and works in tandem with the launcher, allowing players to easily turn their favourite addons/plugins on and off.
- You can find unofficial Ashita support here on the Wiki.
- Not all approved Ashita addons are yet part of the launcher. A full list of approved addons with descriptions links can be found here. This site is maintained by Hugin, a member of HorizonXI staff.
- Finally the Ashita discord can be accessed here.