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Max MP Boost

From HorizonXI Wiki

Job Trait Overview

  • Game Description: Increases maximum Magic Points.
  • Job Traits are always active.
  • Further Notes:
    • Confirmed that Max MP boost does stack with MP merits at the merit level. For example, say you have 8/8 merits on your BLM. If you start leveling SMN (which gets this trait at level 10) and your first max MP merits also become available at level 10 you will receive an MP boost of 20 + the standard level increase.

Equipment that Enhances this Trait

Blue Magic Spells that Activate this Trait

Set any two of the following Blue Magic spells to get this trait (+10):

Level Available Spell Set Point Cost
8 Metallic Body 1
40 Mysterious Light 4
54 Hecatomb Wave 3

Max MP Boost I

Max MP gained: 10

Max MP Boost II

Max MP gained: 20

Max MP Boost III

Max MP gained: 40

Max MP Boost IV

Max MP gained: 60

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