Melee Cyclas

From HorizonXI Wiki

Melee Cyclas


Melee cyclasRareExclusive
[Body] All Races
DEF: 44 HP +5% VIT +5
Adds "Regen" effect
HP recovered while healing
Lv. 74 MNK
View the entire Melee Attire Set.

Other Uses

How to Obtain

Cannot be auctioned, traded, bazaared, or delivered. AH Black.png


Historical Background

A cyclas was a tunic that knights would wear over their armor in the 13th an 14th centuries. It was usually made of expensive material and normally used during ceremonies and official events. It was similar to a tunic and a surcoat but was about knee-length and shorter in front than behind. There was also a type of cyclas that women would wear but instead of a tunic it was generally a more fitting gown (however it was still made of expensive fabric and used during the same events). Cyclas can also be applied to the material itself. Damascene Cloth is another and more well known for the cloth used to make a cyclas. |}