Mog Satchel

From HorizonXI Wiki
Satchel as seen from the "View House" menu

The Mog Satchel is a form of storage accessible from anywhere on Vana'diel that allows players to freely interchange items with their standard inventory. The satchel begins with a base amount of 30 slots per character. Players may view the contents of their Mog Satchel via. the "Mog Satchel" submenu of "View House", or the "/satchel" text command, and move items between it and their standard inventory as desired.

How to Obtain

  • To unlock a satchel, a player needs to link their in-game account with their discord account. Head to the Horizon Discord and find the #Discord-Setup channel. Atlernatively, you can use the following link for a web-based linking tool
  • The Satchel will be applied to all characters on your account at the time of linking. You should only ever link your main character as certain Discord roles and channels are only unlocked through progressing your main character to a certain level.
    • If you create additional characters on your account after linking to your Discord, you do NOT need to re-register. Either head to the Discord-Setup channel in the Horizon Discord and click "Refresh my account link", or revisit the Discord authorization link again and click the refresh button next to your "Highest Level." Clicking that is all that is necessary.

Upgrading the Satchel

The satchel starts with 30 slots. The capacity can be increased to a maximum of 45 from the follow methods:


  • It is not possible to equip or use items directly from one's Mog Satchel, or sell them in bazaars. You must transfer items to your inventory to do this.
  • The Mog Satchel feature is available only to players who have linked their discord profile and in-game character.
  • While all characters have access to the satchel, the satchel itself is NOT a shared inventory space and items cannot be passed between characters inside of it.
  • Any expansions to the mog satchel only apply to a single character. For example, unlocking the +5 from the scavenger hunt only increases the satchel on the character the hunt was completed on.
    • You can expand other characters satchels by repeating the upgrade steps. For RetroAchievements integration, this requires only speaking to Lorekeeper Isa after your account is linked.

Known Bugs

A bug related to the 2023 Anniversary Event completion can cause your character to receive an unintended additional +5 slots (so +10 total for event completion.) Do not utilize these slots! A patch fix is pending, and items in those slots may be deleted from existence when the patch goes live. (Feel free to delete this once patch fix rolls out.)

Did You Know?

  • Players can store their Linkshells in their satchel and still use them?
  • That you can type "/satchel" in game to avoid the menu system?

See Also

If you are looking for additional types of inventory, please see: