[[{{SUBST:My Future Dream is to Become an Adventurer!!}}| ]]  My Future Dream is to Become an Adventurer!!
[[{{SUBST:My Future Dream is to Become an Adventurer!!}}| ]] 

It has been found that nearly half of the young people living in Vana'diel aspire to become adventurers in the future. Amid the increasing activity of beastmen across the land, the post-war youth seem to be raising their awareness, feeling the need to take matters into their own hands.
Since the implementation of the Conquest policy, the number of adventurers has been growing daily. Correspondingly, the number of boys and girls who admire them has also surged. A survey conducted by this newspaper in various countries revealed that about half of those under 15 years old harbored admiration for adventurers.
The popularity is particularly high in the Republic of Bastok, followed by the Kingdom of San d'Oria and the Federation of Windurst. Although there are regional differences, adventurers seem to be garnering high support in every country.
One of the factors behind this trend is that adventurers have gained citizenship rights. Before the Conquest policy, there were fewer adventurers, and children had fewer opportunities to see them. However, now that adventurers have been officially recognized by each country, they seem to have become a more tangible presence for children.
"They're cool." "I want to see various ancient ruins." "I want to meet trustworthy companions."
While admiring the heroic tales of adventurers, the children also reveal their perspective as a new generation.
"We can't just rely on someone else." "I want to protect everyone."
They belong to the generation born after the conclusion of the Crystal War. The stories they heard from their parents in their early childhood, about how "everyone fought regardless of race or nationality," are likely taking root in the children's hearts. (Zenngg)
[[{{SUBST:My Future Dream is to Become an Adventurer!!}}| ]] 
Taken from: Vana'diel Tribune Issue No. 1
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