Mythril Mace +1

From HorizonXI Wiki

Mythril Mace +1


Mythril mace +1
(Club) All Races
DMG: 25 Delay: 291
Lv. 35 WAR / WHM / PLD / GEO
Damage Per Second: 5.15
TP Per Hit: 76
HorizonXI specific changes DMG has been increased from 21 to 25

Other Uses

Guild Points Value: 2,736 / 5,760 (2.11 items)
Used in Quest: [[|]]
Resale Price: ???~??? gil

Synthesis Recipes

Smithing (40)

Yield: Mythril Mace x 1
HQ 1: Mythril Mace +1 x 1
Fire Crystal

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Weapons > Clubs AH Black.png

Only obtainable through synthesis.