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From HorizonXI Wiki
(Redirected from Ninjutsu Skill)


Ninja's have the ability to cast Ninjutsu spells, magic that uses a tool to cast as opposed to MP. There are many different types of ninjutsu such as: elemental damage, debuffs and the infamous Utsusemi.

Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes

Magic Damage Equation

Damage Dealt = [V + mDMG + (ΔINT × M)] × Staff × Affinity × SDT × Resist × MB × MBB × Day & Weather × MAB/MDB × MDT × Misc. Multipliers

Damage Dealt is calculated via the above formula. After each multiplication step, the product is floored to the next lowest integer before continuing to the next multiplier. Terms 5~14 have a base of 1.0 and can be increased or decreased by the relevant stats.

  1. V: Ninjutsu have a unified V value based on tier levels, all elemental Ninjustus have the same V at the same tiers.
  2. mDMG: Represents the "Magic Damage" statistic obtained from equipped weapons and armor.
  3. ΔINT: (dINT) Represents the difference between caster and target INT ala (cINT - tINT).
  4. M: Like V, Ninjutsu have a unified M value not based on ΔINT ranges, but on tier level.
  5. Staff: Elemental staff hidden damage bonus multiplier (NQ Staff = 1.1; HQ = 1.15 for matching elements. NQ Staff = 0.9; HQ = 0.85 for weak elements.)
  6. Affinity: Elemental affinity damage bonus multiplier (written on gear as either " Affinity+" or "ElementName Magic Attack Bonus+"; Group 1 Element Potency are this)
  7. SDT: Target's Special/Specific Damage Taken reduction. (RUN's Vallation/Valiance is this.)
  8. Resist: Reduction of spell damage due to resist states. (1 for no resist; 1/2; 1/4; or 1/8 for a full resist)
  9. MB: Magic Burst multiplier from the tier of Skillchain used in the burst
  10. MBB: Magic Burst Bonus total.
  11. Day & Weather: Day and Weather multipliers, including Iridescence and any equipment modifiers (e.g. Zodiac Ring or Twilight Cape)
  12. MAB / MDB: Caster's total Magic Attack Bonus divided by target's Magic Defense Bonus factor ala (100 + cMAB) ÷ (100 + tMDB) HorizonXI specific changes (Ninja has a +15 MAB when Magic bursting non nm's)
  13. MDT: Target's Magic Damage Taken reduction.
  14. Misc. Multipliers: Any nonstandard multiplier bonus. Each their own multiplicative term. (Ninjutsu Skill Potency Bonus, Futae, Innin's damage bonus)
Tier V M Ninjutsu Skill Potency Bonus Formula

(NIN main Only)

Skill Range
Minimum Maximum
Ichi (1) 28 0.5 (100 + ((Ninjutsu Skill - 50) × 0.5)) ÷ 100 50 250
Ni (2) 69 1 (100 + ((Ninjutsu Skill - 125) × 0.5)) ÷ 100 125 325
San (3) 134 1.5 (100 + ((Ninjutsu Skill - 275) × 0.5)) ÷ 100 275 475

Debuff Ninjutsu

In Experience Points parties or when solo, debuff Ninjutsu is very helpful at crippling your enemy and improving your survivability. Some of the Ninjutsu, specifically the Kurayami line, is also fairly good for Volatile Enmity gain when tanking. Unlike Enfeebling Magic, which depend on dStat, Ninjutsu debuffs all have a static potency as long as they land. The higher tier spell always has greater potency and casts faster. Therefore, it's best to simply stack as much magical accuracy and Ninjutsu Skill as possible when trying to land them, and to always use the highest tier spell available to you.

Level Name Elem. Effect
19 Kurayami: Ichi Dark Blind for -20 Acc
23 Hojo: Ichi Earth 15% Slow
27 Dokumori: Ichi Water 3HP/tick Poison
30 Jubaku: Ichi Ice 20% Paralysis
44 Kurayami: Ni Dark Blind for -30 Acc
48 Hojo: Ni Earth 20% Slow