Obtaining a Crimson Orb

From HorizonXI Wiki


  • You will encounter Orcs up to the level 70 range, so any form of Invisible is recommended.
  • The Key ItemCrimson Orb is a permanent Key Item and once obtained will allow you to open the Wall of Banishing.


The Key ItemCrimson Orb will allow you to open the Wall of Banishing at Davoi (J-9). To obtain it, you must dip a Key ItemWhite Orb into the four ponds in Davoi and bring it to Sedal-Godjal.



The Four Ponds

Your task is to dip the Key ItemWhite Orb into the four ponds of Davoi. The Key ItemWhite Orb will change to a Key ItemPink Orb when you have gone to 1 pool, a Key ItemRed Orb when you have gone to 2 pools, and a Key ItemBlood Orb when you have gone to 3 pools, before it finally becomes a Key ItemCursed Orb at the 4th pool.

WARNING: When you dip the orb into the 4th pool it applies Curse on you which causes reduced max HP and reduced movement speed for 15 Minutes, so plan accordingly.

Note: You can visit the four ponds in any order.

  • The Groaning Pond, (which is not displayed on the map) is found by following the river at Davoi (H-6) north and to the east.
  • The Screaming Pond is at the NW corner of Davoi (E-8).
  • The Howling Pond is located at the Southern Center of Davoi (H-10).
  • The Wailing Pond is at the Eastern edge of Davoi (L-9).

It is best to finish at either The Groaning Pond or The Wailing Pond because the mobs in these areas are lower level.


Return to Sedal-Godjal with the Key ItemCursed Orb, and he will turn it into the Key ItemCrimson Orb, which will allow you to open the Wall of Banishing.