Patch Notes: April 15th 2023
From HorizonXI Wiki
HorizonXI Patch Notes - 04/15/2023
- The 1.1 Excavation adjustments were missing from yesterday's patch and have now been added properly. (Critical)
- EXP scrolls will now properly award triple experience points. (Critical)
- Out of era Kapor Log and Aquilaria Log have been removed from Yhoator and Yuhtungha Jungle logging results. (Critical)
- A bug impacting the PLD AF quest A Squire's Test and A Knight's Test has been fixed. (Hookstar)
- A check has been added to correct Mog Wardrobe award issues on player login. (Tracent)
- Corrects an issue with Mikage not sharing a cooldown with other job's 2hours. (Tiberon)
notes missing from yesterday's patch notes
- Egg Event - Eggs can now once again be gained by completing HELM activities.
- HNMs - Kings now have a longer special claimshield and will draw in the claim winners alliance upon completion of claim shield.
- Bounding Boots drop rate from the BCNM Petrifying Pair has been increased to 20% from 10%.
Wardrobe know issue fix
- If you have experienced a bug with your wardrobe not being awarded properly, please wait at least 5 seconds to zone after logging on for a fix to your wardrobes to be applied. Thank you! If you still have issues with your wardrobe, trying relogging. If the issue persists, please contact the GM team for further assistance.
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