Patch Notes: February 10th 2023
From HorizonXI Wiki
HorizonXI Patch Notes - 2/10/2023
- RNG: Eagle Eye Shot now cannot miss its target. (Tracent)
- SAM: Tachi: Gekko damage has been increased. (Frank)
- Corrected a damage formula to no longer penalize RNG and NIN while ranged attacking. (Frank)
- Fixed an issue preventing players from equipping the Monk artifact weapon at its displayed level (Tracent)
Quests & Missions
- Fix an issue with the rewards from the quest Waking Dreams (Tracent)
- Allow players to re-enter CoP Three Paths battlefields to help others immediately after completing the battlefield (no longer have to wait until finishing the entire mission) (Tracent)
- Guttrix no longer allows players to get more than 4 pieces of RSE per character. (Aerec)
- An issue has been fixed where players were allowed to warp using mini-tuning forks when they already have received the avatar. (Tracent)
Crafting, Gathering, Fishing
- Remove the following out of era gardening results: Gregarious Worm, Clump of Garidav Wildgrass, Zegham Carrot, Azouph Greens, Vomp Carrot, Sharug Greens, Clump Of Tokopekko Wildgrass, Cupid Worm, Burdock, Winterflower. (Tracent)
- Replaced the following out of era guild point items: Sis Kebabi, Irmik Helvasi, Balik Sis, Credenza, Flanged Mace. (Tracent)
- Fishing Contest will now properly return maximum of top 100 results and provide necessary rewards (Damarus)
- Added missing desynthesis recipes for the following items: Sapphire Earring, Ruby Earring, Emerald Earring, Diamond Earring, Topaz Earring, Spinel Earring, Death Earring, Angel's Earring (Flam)
- Fix placeholder respawn timing of many NMs and fix spawning of Zi'Ghi Boneeater and Be'Hya Hundredwall (Tracent)
- Corrected an issue with Moo Ouzi the Swiftblade and Zo'Khu Blackcloud placeholders not spawning. (Frank)
- Increased power gained by certain NMs when enough time has passed for them to enter a "Raged" state. (Frank)
- Kirin's summoned Byakko, Genbu, Seiryu, and Suzaku can now use their respective two hours. (Critical)
- Corrected an issue with the respawn of Xolotl and Citipati (Frank)
- Fixed zone crash when player's pet is targeted by an AoE ability. (Shozokui)
- Fixed zone crash when players with avatars out would zone (WinterSolstice, zach2good, Shozokui)
- Fixed a server crash occurring in Apollyon NE (Kore, Abdiah)
- Fixed zone crash when players fail to reach their destination while zoning (Shozokui)
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