Patch Notes: March 31st 2023
From HorizonXI Wiki
HorizonXI Patch Notes - 03/31/23
- Adjusted effects of Souleater on weaponskills (Wintersolstice)
- Adjusted Wyvern damage formulas to be more accurate (Wintersolstice)
- Fix /assist on players so that it will only target an enemy if the /assist target is engaged. (Wintersolstice)
- Full Break Duration has been adjusted from 90/120/15 to 180/24/300 (Tiberon)
- Adjusted Parry to be more consistent (Tiberon)
- Corrected blood pacts predator claws and shock strike to have the proper amount of minimum crit rate of 5% (Frank)
- Players will now be able to change gear after attempting fishing without a rod or bait. (Tracent)
- Fix useable equipment that gives the enchantment status effect (Ex. High Breath Mantle). (Tracent)
- Removing powder boots no longer removes the flee status effect. (Tracent)
Quests, Missions, & Battlefields
- Fix several issues with Chains of Promathia 8-4 (Dawn) (Tracent)
- Fixed diabolos (in cop 3-5 bcnm darkness named and quest bcnm waking dreams) to correctly draw-in entire party and have physical damage reduction. (Tracent)
- Fixed multiple AI "death" behaviors (Tiberon)
- Fixed issue with the turn in requirements of the quest "Wish Upon a Star" (Hookstar)
- Fixed issues with completion requirements of the quest "Undying Flames"
Battle Content
- Fix Dynamis-Bastok so that effigy shields spawn and gu'dha effigy provides a time extension (rather than a different incorrect statue). (Tracent)
- Grant all players in the dynamis zone titles when the boss dies. (Shozokui)
- Adjust re-entry timer for dynamis zones. (Shozokui)
- ClaimShield has been added to the following Notorious Monsters [Overlord Bagodek, Za'dha Adamantking] (Tracent)
- Claimshield will now function properly on the following Notorious Monsters [Behemoth, King Behemoth, Fafnir, Nidhogg, Adamantoise, Aspidochelone] (Tracent)
- The damage of Shock Spikes has been adjusted on the Mother Globe NM (Tracent)
- Add silence resist that builds with additional casting of silence on Tiamat (Tracent)
- The drop rate of items from Carmine Dobsonfly have been increased. (Critical)
- Panzer Percival will no longer cast spells (Tiberon)
- Fixes damage thresholds and damage taken on the euvhi family. (Frank)
- Missing Aura Statues have been added back into The Shrine of Ru'Avitau (Frank)
- Added better handling for dropped packets while zoning (Velyn, Shozokui)
- Conquest influence loss on player death is now region and level dependant. (Aerec)
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