Patch Notes: March 3rd 2023
From HorizonXI Wiki
HorizonXI Patch Notes - 3/3/2023
- Fixes an issue where players would take 10% less magic damage under certain circumstances (Frank)
- Corrected an issue with hand-to-hand damage bypassing certain resistances. (Frank)
- Fix dDEX/dAGI contributions to critical hit in accordance with known values (Goose)
- NIN: An issue has been corrected that was causing Mijin Gakure to occasionally deal less damage than intended (Frank)
- WHM: Corrected Cure V enmity gain to now be a set amount of enmity regardless of amount of HP cured. (Critical)
- DRG:
- Dragoon Wyvern breaths can no longer be paralyzed. (WinterSolstice)
- Implemented Super Jump + Spirit Surge enmity reduction mechanic for the party member directly behind the dragoon. (WinterSolstice)
- Super Jump now applies to all mobs with enmity to the user within a 75~ yalm range. (WinterSolstice)
- Super Jump now correctly resets CE & VE to 1 and 0 respectively per mob with enmity. (WinterSolstice)
- Gravity's movement speed reduction potency has been greatly increased. (Shozokui)
- Fixed an issue where Enfeebling spells were not checking difference between caster and target stats (Ex. MND vs MND for Slow, INT vs MND for Blind, etc) (Frank)
- Requiems will no longer be shown as wearing off when overwritten (Dayman)
- The magic accuracy for the following spells has been increased: (Frank)
- Dispel
- Gravity
- Poison II
- Stun
- Flash
- Paralyze
- Slow
- Dia II
- Bio II
- Fixed an issue with healing magic which did not allow curing over the soft cap. (Shozokui)
- Fix Royal Knights Chainmail and Royal Knights Breeches nation place requirement to be 2nd place or higher rather than 1st place (Tracent)
- Fix auction house category of Fulm-long Salmon Sub and Scroll of Enlight (Tracent)
- Uggalepih Necklace now functions and reduces damage done by Everyone's Grudge and Everyone's Rancor (Tracent)
- Add more gear slots used to calculate visible gear latents (Goose, WinterSolstice)
- Fix A l'Outrance added effect proc rate to be 100% (Tracent)
- Fix Grand Temple Knight's Bangles to give evasion skill rather than evasion (Tracent)
- Fixed an issue with many usable items that would either not give an effect or give the wrong effect (such as powder boots) (Tracent)
Quests, Missions, & Battlefields
- Players are now exited to the proper zone when completing BCNMs in Spire of Mea and Spire of Holla after first completion. (Tracent)
- Fix reward for the first completion of the quest Twinstone Bonding (Tracent)
- Fixed repeatability for Uninvited Guests. For some players with the quest in progress, this may take 2 conquest interactions to completely cycle the changes through. (Tiberon)
- Implemented Quest Secrets of Ovens Lost. (Tiberon)
- Obtaining the rivernewort during the quest Spice Gals will now correctly display the Key Item. (Tiberon)
- Corrected issue where RDM AF 3 quest (Peace for the Spirit) would not flag. (Hookstar)
- Fixed players not losing items during trades at certain stages in the quest: "Heaven Cent". (Abdiah)
- Fixed players being able to enter the battlefield "Head Wind" without the proper cutscenes. (Abdiah)
- Updated DRG AF 2 quest Chasing Quotas to appropriate level to accept (Hookstar)
- Remove incorrect 2hr from Diabolos in CoP 3-5 fight (Tracent)
- Players will now be resynced to battlefields if they disconnect or logout. (Jmcmorris, Abdiah)
Crafting, Gathering, Fishing
- Add missing logging points to Lufaise Meadows and Misareaux Coast (Critical, Jimmayus)
- Carapace Subligar now able to turn in for GP. (Hookstar)
- The crafting level for repairing a broken Lu Shang's Fishing Rod has been corrected it its in era level of 80 Woodworking. (Tracent)
- Fix logic of material loss for Lu Shang's Fishing Rod and Hakutaku Eye Cluster synth breaks (Tracent)
- Lowered the level of Lik, Gugrusaurus, and Ryugu Titan fish. (Tracent)
- Crafting levels have been corrected for the Tabarzin synthesis recipe. (Tracent)
- Added missing Wool Hat synthesis recipe and Faceguard desynthesis recipe(Hookstar)
- Added desynth recipe for Chain Choker (Loxley)
- The level of the synthesis recipe for Panther Mask has been corrected (lowered) to 102 Leatherworking. (Flam)
- The respawn time of the Temple Guardian in Temple of Uggalepih has been reduced. (Critical)
- Corrected an issue preventing the placeholders for the NM Odqan from respawning (Tracent)
- Adjusted maximum HP for the following NM based on retail captures: Friar Rush, Novv the Whitehearted, Taxim, Vouivre (Hookstar, Siknoz)
- The Raptor family TP move Chomp Rush no longer overwrites haste. (Critical)
- Add Angel Skin drop and ten minute respawn time to Devil Manta fished up in Cape Teriggan (Tracent)
- Movement speed reduction is now properly removed when the Bane status effect wears off that is applied by the ghost mobs in Celery BCNM. (Tracent)
- The Diremite family TP move Viscid Secretion animation has been corrected, messaging now reports status ailments, and is restricted to specific NMs. (Tiberon)
- Fixed Amemet spawn points that were outside of his pop area, causing wall glitches while establishing path (Scarifi3dXI)
- Fix Everyone's Grudge and Everyone's Rancor damage on pets (Tracent)
- Memory Receptacles will now properly spawn a portal when killed while in the Call For Help status. (Tracent)
- Fix Orctrap placeholder to have respawn time in line with Carpenters Landing being an outdoor zone (Tracent)
- Fix Stray Mary, Enkelados, and Amemet placeholders so they no longer go missing under certain circumstances. (Tracent)
- Adjusted several monster droplists to include Misareaux Garlic and Tavnazia Livers (Hookstar)
- Fix issue where the Tonberry move throat stab was killing pets (Tracent)
- Mining points in Ifrits Cauldron no longer appear on widescan. (Critical)
- Players who lose their last shadow/blink to a mob skill will no longer be treated as if they were hit for the purposes of applying mob skill additional effects. (Tiberon)
- Mob's missed ranged attacks will no longer cause players to react/animate that they are hit. (Tiberon)
- Players can no longer /shutdown or /logout with an avatar summoned (Critical)
- Portals in Hu'Xzoi will now shed hate from mobs when zoning through teleporters. (Abdiah)
- Fixed various issues with Claim Shield claim conditions (Kore)
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