Patch Notes: November 10th 2023
From HorizonXI Wiki
HorizonXI Patch Notes - 11/10/2023
- Fixed an issue with Overlord Bakgodek not spawning (Sarca571ca)
- Fixes an issue where the Charybdis placeholder would not spawn. (Tracent, Siknoz)
- The monsters in the Shooting Fish BCNM now correctly attack players. (Tracent)
- Qn'xzomit pets of Jailer of Justice no long explode immediately upon spawning under certain conditions. (Tracent)
- Antican Magister can now pop from its placeholder (Abdiah)
- The tarutaru automaton in Automaton Assault for mithra now has a tarutaru model (Nixy)
- Jailer of Faith quest marker will now only move once every 30 minutes. (9001-Sols)
- The monster skill Guided Missile (used by Omega) now has an era accurate damage range. (Tracent)
- The attacks of the KS99 wyrm when flying now ignore shadows as in era. (Tracent)
- Bahamut and Bahamut V2 will now spawn with the correct era-accurate Protect V status effect. (Tracent)
- The organ drop rate from Qm'phuabo have been increased (Tiberon)
- Huge Wasps will no longer use the wrong abilities (Nixy)
- Goblin Pathfinders in Ranguemont Pass now have bat pets (Nixy)
- Fixed an issue where drain was not killing a target with shell on (Frank)
- The nuke wall will no longer be incorrectly applied to certain non-damaging spells like enfeebling spells. (Tracent)
- The following spells have had their base damage slightly adjusted to match era values Aero IV, Tornado, Blizzard IV, Freeze, Flood. (Tracent)
- The spell Absorb Accuracy will now properly absorb accuracy! (Abdiah)
- Debuffs applied by blood pacts now go through the appropriate resist checks and should now be retail accurate. (Tracent)
- Avatar magic abilities are no longer negatively impacted (in terms of magic accuracy) by level correction and should now be retail accurate. (Tracent)
- Fixed an issue where cure potency modifier was being applied incorrectly. This will now be a raw multiplier instead of a % modifer. (Wintersolstice)
- Revised Advancing and Victory March formulas to match era. (Cybin)
- Aquaveil should no longer wear off after a certain number of spell interruption preventions. (Tracent)
- Day and weather now has an effect on accuracy of spells (Nixy)
- Fixes a bug where MAB for cure dmg was being ignored. (Tiberon)
- Fixes an issue where you were not able to enter Dynamis-Bubu (Frank)
- Deaths while player is charmed no longer take twice the experience points (Nixy)
- Fixed some scenarios where weaponskill accuracy would be capped when it should not be. (Tiberon)
- Fixed condition that caused conquest map to sometimes not show the correct regional influence (kore, zach2good)
- Fixed the position the player lands in (at port San d'Oria) when arriving on the Aan d'Oria-Jeuno airship. (9001-Sols)
- Certain dynamis beastmen now have correct parry rates (previously had they too high rates) and dynamis beastmen with jobs that do not have natural parry skill will no longer parry. (Tracent, Siknoz)
- Fixes the issue where experience points were returned on raise when they weren't lost on death (Nixy, Xaver)
- Mannequins obtained through trade or purchase from Fyi Chalmwoh are now the correct race and can be equipped with items (Nixy)
- Fixes the issue where players would trade a mannequin and it would not be removed from their inventory (Nixy)
- Aftermath effect will persist when swapping instruments (Nixy)
- WHM now has the full benefit of Clear Mind VI at level 75 (Era+), previously WHM erroneously had only the base hMP bonus of Clear Mind VI and not the cumulative +3 hMP per tick. (Tracent)
- Corrected colors of dynamic HELM points such as the Harvesting Points in Beaucedine Glacier (Hugin)```
- Faded promises is now able to be completed. (Nixy)
- Added sam ranged accuracy bonus for Shigeto Bow (Haplo)
- Sorcerer's ring latent works when hp less than 76% (Nixy)
- Sea bass crout properly gives mnd+5 (Nixy)
- Treat staff latent effect for warping will now trigger under the proper conditions. (0x05010705)
- Check for maiden's virelai is now done correctly when calculating charm chance (Nixy)
- Skulkers cape now adds a roughly 50% duration boost to sneak and invisible as in era. (Tracent)
- Chicken knife now works correctly. (Tracent)
- Evoker's Boots hidden effect of summoning magic cast time -1 works again (Nixy)
- The following items can now be used in desynthesis: (0x05010705)
- Gold cuisses
- Gold gauntlets
- Gorse bracelet
- Clear earring
- Tourmaline earring
- Tourmaline ring
- Turquoise ring
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