Patch Notes: October 6th 2023
From HorizonXI Wiki
HorizonXI Patch Notes - 10/6/2023
- The stoneskin effect from “Earthen Ward” no longer overwrites the stoneskin effect from the spell “Stoneskin”. (tracent, siknoz)
- Beastmaster Jug Pets have had their HP values adjusted to be in line with era values. (tiberon)
- A player's wyvern should now correctly use the elemental breath that corresponds to the enemy's weakness about 50% of the time. This rises to 100% while a player is wearing the Drachen Armet or Drachen Armet+1. (tracent)
- Players/monsters now gain tp upon taking spell damage. (sarca571ca)
- Fixes an issue where a player would run behind an object during a cure and the cure would cancel. (frank)
- Fixes an issue where a ranged attack would be canceled if the mob walked behind an object you cannot see through. (frank)
- Sources of physical damage reduction for players (sentinel, -pdt gear) will now also apply to ranged physical damage sources. (tiberon)
- Ranged attacks are no longer stopped when mobs travel past max range. (sarca571ca)
- Ranged attacks now always miss when beyond max range. (sarca571ca)
- Fixes an issue where the evasion of mobs with under 200 evasion was too high. (frank)
- Carbuncle's Pole works as intended now. (nixyyyy)
- Carbuncle's cuffs now have the following effects: (i) summoning magic casting time -1; and (ii) shining ruby: adds "regen" effect (+5 hp per tick). (nixyyyy)
- Adds functionality to Oscar Scarf. (nixyyyy)
- Items which offer magic nullification (e.g. Shadow Ring) will now apply to magical mob skills. (tiberon)
- Haste Belt now gives enchantment haste instead of spell haste. This effect will stack with the spell haste. The effect is removed when the belt is unequipped. (nixyyyy)
- Harlequin's Horn now properly increases the duration of “Chocobo Mazurka”. (0x05010705)
- Angel Lyre now properly increases the duration of “Goddess's Hymnus”. (0x05010705)
- Increases Drachen Greaves +1 jump attack bonus to 15 from 10. (ophelia, epictaru, wintersolstice, catseyexim, mi, xaver-rared, kain)
- Updated vendor prices for Orichalcum Ring, Triton Ring, and Poseidon's Ring. (0x05010705)
- Fixes Poseidon's Ring on-use effect. (0x05010705)
Missions, Quests, & Battlefields
- Players at or above rank 4 Windurst reputation will be able to accept the quest after completing “Let Sleeping Dogs Lie”. Fixes the issue where Mashuu-Ajuu would give the bag of herb seeds even when the player did not accept the quest. (nixyyyy)
- Zeid in Bastok Mission 9-2 fight now has retail accurate HP. (tracent)
- Players will no longer become stuck in a cutscene in their Mog House during San d'Oria Mission 8-1. (tracent)
- The Quest “A Reputation in Ruins” now gives the Phoenix Pearl if the player completed “Darkness Named”, and the Phoenix Armlet if not. (nixyyyy)
- Players that fail the ENM “Uninvited Guests” should now always be able to repeat the ENM the next week. (tracent)
- Players should now be able to acquire the correct coin in the quest “Heaven Cent”. (tracent)
- Players can now switch (after engaging) to the Chaosbringer for the final hit and the monster will count towards the quests “Blade of Darkness” and “Blade of Death”. Previously, players incorrectly needed to have the Chaosbringer equipped when engaging the monster for the monster to count. Additionally, the dynamic entity mobs near city entrances will also now count. (tracent)
- In “Ouryu Cometh”, Ziryu now correctly spawn only when engaging Ouryu. (tracent)
- The quest “Spice Gals” will now behave correctly even if a player has a full inventory. (tracent)
- Different genders of the same race can now enter automaton assault. (nixyyyy)
- Fixes duplicate gil message for the quest “Reap What You Sow”. (publicxi)
Crafting, Gathering, Fishing
- Adds Koenigs Knuckles synthesis recipe. (frank)
- Fixes to some fishing bait affinities. (metosisii, spkywt)
- Fixes an issue where players were only able to fish up goldfish regardless of the rod they use during the sunbreeze festival. (spykwt, abdiah)
- Adds key item requirement to aqueous orichalcum ingot. (0x05010705)
- Adds desynthesis recipe for Bronze Knife. (0x05010705)
- Adjust recipe level of Plain Sword synthesis from 34 Smithing to 31 Smithing. (bliven-was-taken)
- Ancient Goobbue will now spawn in the correct era-accurate location. (tracent)
- Aquarius now has retail accurate HP. (tracent)
- The attestation monsters in Dynamis-Beaucedine can now use their 2 hour abilities multiple times, can cast spells, and have retail accurate HP. (tracent)
- Fenrir Prime now can now use its 2 hour ability and has retail accurate HP. (tracent)
- The drop rates for the Notorious Monsters “Deviator” and “Wailer” are now era accurate. (haplo)
- The drop rates for the Notorious Monster “Provoker” are now era accurate. (tracent)
- The Xzomit ability “Saline Coat” will no longer give the Xzomit's target magic defense boost. (tiberon)
- The Xzomit ability “Siphon Discharge” is no longer a point blank area of effect ability - it is now conal. (tiberon)
- Based on capture data - mob hundred fists delay has been lowered. (tiberon)
- Aw'Euvhi in the Garden of Ru'Hmet no longer have inconsistent magic resist and modifiers, and thus should no longer bug out. (tracent)
- Noble Mold will now correctly spawn if the placeholder is left alone for 12 to 16 hours. (tracent)
- The mob skill “Hiemal Storm” is now conal. (tracent)
- Teratotaurs no longer allow out-of-era stealing of demon skulls. (tracent)
- The durations of status effects on certain Notorious Monsters that build resistance no longer decrease due to enfeebling spells that have no effect (such as when enfeebling a mob that already has the status effect). This is retail accurate behavior. (tracent, kanryu)
- The Soporific ability from Dragontrap family monsters no longer overwrites itself and now correctly drains 50 HP per tick. (tracent, kanryu)
- Nant'ina’s “Attractant” ability (charm) now has a retail accurate maximum duration of 30 seconds rather than 60 seconds. (tracent, kanryu)
- Dynamis Lord now has retail accurate attack, evasion, defense, and movement speed. (tracent)
- Dynamis Lord now has a significant refresh effect. (tracent)
- Dynamis Lord clones now accurately spawn near the random player on which they intend to perform a mob skill rather than near the real Dynamis Lord. (tracent)
- Dynamis Lord mob skill “Violent Rupture” now has more retail accurate damage cap. (tracent)
- Dark Aspics in Bostaunieux Oubliette can now be charmed. (tracent)
- Demonic Tiphia, Duke Haborym, Grand Duke Batym, Marquis Allocen, and Marquis Amon now have claim shields. (tracent)
- Altedour I Tavnazia from the WHM AF3 quest now spawns in the correct era location. (tracent)
- The Worm family ability “Gastric Bomb” now correctly deals damage. (tiberon)
- The defense down effect from the Tauri family move “Frightful Roar” has been increased to match correct era values. (tiberon)
- The Antlion family ability “Pit Ambush” has been strengthened to better reflect era values. (tiberon)
- Players will no longer be teleported from their moghouses when their party teleports near the Mog House. (tracent)
- Replaces singing animation with throwing for dart and dart +1. Sets hawkeye animation to throwing. (nixyyyy, claywar)
- Adjusts the NPC sell price of Rune Halberd to the appropriate value. (haplo, lapislosh, hapro)
- Removes the extra 15 minutes of staging time when entering dynamis. (frank)
- Players can now exit the Altar Room at the top of Castle Oztroja by trading a Judgement Key to the Brass Door. (0x05010705)
- Fixes the recast cap from the out of era amount of 80% to the in-era amount of 50%. (Aerec)
- You can now use /yell in Bastok Mines and Bastok Markets again. (frank)
- Attempt to fix crashes with bugged leaderless parties. (wintersolstice)
- Fixes random crashing when mobs try to cast a spell without a proper target. (damarus)
- Fixes the spawn mechanics of various Vanguard Eyes in Dynamis-Xarcabard. (tracent)
- Backend fixes to party updating and alliance updating. (wintersolstice)
- Fixes client crash when hovering over certain areas after tally. (kore)
- Fixes corrupt conquest data after tally. (kore)
- Fixes party chat not working across clusters. (wintersolstice)
- Fixes yells not being instantly delivered causing server lag in cities. (kore)
- Fixes dynamic entities not having the correct modifiers (ex: having 0 mp). (frank, wintersolstice, kore)
- Fixes a crash when light spirit casts a spell. (frank)
- Attempt to prevent dead mobs/players/pets from auto attacking when already dead, or continue attacking when dying after a counter. (wintersolstice)
- Attempt to prevent dead mobs/players/pets from using tp moves or weaponskills when dead. (wintersolstice)
- An issue where equipping gear with "areas under own nation's control", "in areas outside of own nation's control", and "in nation" latent effects would cause the server to crash has been addressed.
- An issue where zoning or logging in with gear that uses "areas under own nation's control", "in areas outside of own nation's control", and "in <nation>" latent effects would not properly trigger those latent effects has been addressed. (radegast-ffxiv)
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