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Category:Rise of the Zilart Missions

From HorizonXI Wiki
(Redirected from Rise of the Zilart Missions)
Number Mission Name Type Reward
1 The New Frontier Cutscene Key ItemMap of Norg
2 Welcome t'Norg Cutscene
3 Kazham's Chieftainness Cutscene Key ItemSacrificial Chamber Key
4 The Temple of Uggalepih Dungeon/BCNM Key ItemDark Fragment

Mog Wardrobe 2: 5 slots

5 Headstone Pilgrimage Quest/Fight Key ItemEarth Fragment
Key ItemFire Fragment
Key ItemIce Fragment
Key ItemLight Fragment
Key ItemLightning Fragment
Key ItemWater Fragment
Key ItemWind Fragment
6 Through the Quicksand Caves Dungeon/BCNM Mog Wardrobe 2: 5 slots
7 The Chamber of Oracles Cutscene Key ItemPrismatic Fragment
8 Return to Delkfutt's Tower Dungeon/BCNM Mog Wardrobe 2: 5 slots
9 Ro'Maeve Quest
10 The Temple of Desolation Cutscene
11 The Hall of the Gods Quest
12 The Mithra and the Crystal Dungeon/Fight Key ItemCerulean Crystal
13 The Gate of the Gods Cutscene Access to Tu'Lia
Mog Wardrobe 2: 5 slots
14 Ark Angels (Divine Might) BCNM (BCNM)

One of the following:
15 The Sealed Shrine Cutscene
16 The Celestial Nexus Dungeon/BCNM Mog Wardrobe 2: 5 slots
17 Awakening Cutscene--Finale
Quest 1 Storms of Fate BCNM Key ItemWhisper of the Wyrmking
Quest 2 Shadows of the Departed Dungeon/Quest Key ItemPromyvion - Dem sliver
Key ItemPromyvion - Holla sliver
Key ItemPromyvion - Mea sliver
Quest 3 Apocalypse Nigh BCNM One of the following:
Ethereal Earring
Hollow Earring
Magnetic Earring
Static Earring
18 The Last Verse Finale
  • Cutscene: A mission that is entirely or almost entirely cutscenes.
  • Quest: A mission that involves a lot of running around and cutscenes.
  • Dungeon: A mission that takes place mostly in a dungeon, such as Promyvion or Sacrarium.
  • Fight: A mission that mostly involves one or many NM fights.
  • BCNM: A mision that is either solely a BCNM, or culminates in a BCNM fight. Usually referenced along with Dungeon-type missions.