Zilart Mission 12

From HorizonXI Wiki
The Mithra and the Crystal
Series Rise of the Zilart Missions
Starting NPC None
Title None
Repeatable No 
Description According to Gilgamesh, a Mithra carrying a mysterious crystal she found in Zi'Tah was recently in Norg. Her name was something like Mary or Maroo or Maree...
Key ItemCerulean Crystal
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The Hall of the Gods The Gate of the Gods


  • Go to Rabao and speak to Maryoh Comyujah, who is in (G-7) in front of the windmill.
    • Chose the top option 'Sounds fair'.
  • Inside, go to (K-8) and through the pressure door. On the next map, head for (G-8) for another pressure door.
  • Enter and fall down the hole. Near where you fall, there is a ???. Buff up and check it to spawn a Pot NM Ancient Vessel. Dispose of it and check the ??? again. You will receive the Key ItemScrap of Papyrus.
  • Return to Rabao and speak to Maryoh Comyujah again. She will give you the Key ItemCerulean Crystal.
  • Return to the Hall of the Gods, and click the gate at the end of the hall, as you did in Zilart Mission 10. A cutscene will follow.