Sardine Ball

From HorizonXI Wiki

Sardine Ball


Ball of sardine paste
(Fishing Tackle) All Races
A ball of ground sardine
mixed with grains.
Stackable: 99

Other Uses

Synthesis Recipes

Cooking (31)
Yield: Sardine Ball x 12
Earth Crystal
Cooking (31)
Yield: Sardine Ball x 12
Earth Crystal
Cooking (31)
Yield: Sardine Ball x 12
Earth Crystal

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Weapons > Ammo & Misc. > Fishing Gear AH Black.png

Guild Merchants

Price: 52 - 67 gil
Name Location Type
Wahnid Aht Urhgan Whitegate (H-11) Fishermens' Guild
Automatically restocked.
Babubu Port Windurst (C-8) Fishermens' Guild (Windurst)
Open 3:00 - 18:00. Holiday: Lightningday.
Automatically restocked.