Searching for the Right Words

From HorizonXI Wiki
Searching for the Right Words
Starting NPC IlumidaUpper Jeuno (G-8)
Required Fame Jeuno Level 7 
Items Needed Key ItemMoondrop
Title None
Repeatable No 
Description A "moondrop" from the Boyahda Tree is required to open the chest Ilumida's late husband left for her.
3000 gil
Scroll of Sleepga II
← Previous Quest Next Quest →
A Candlelight Vigil
Rubbish Day
Never to Return


The Boyahda Tree - Map I
The Boyahda Tree - Map II
  • Speak to Kurou-Morou after completing the prerequisite quests. After a short cutscene, go to Upper Jeuno and speak to Ilumida - aka the one who asked for the candle earlier -for another, in which you learn that Ilumida wants a Key ItemMoondrop.
  • NOTE: There is a prompt in this cutscene. If you do not agree to help you will not be able to spawn Agas.
  • Travel to Boyahda Tree, and examine the ??? at (H-8) of the 2nd map in between 19:00 and 04:00 to spawn Agas.
  • Will only spawn when the moon can be seen, in other words, not during New Moon.
  • Agas uses Level 5 Petrify, which means that characters whose level is divisible by 5 (for example 65, 70, 75, etc.) will be Petrified.
  • The monster can be defeated solo by certain jobs with varying difficulty, and duo by various job combinations at around level 75.
  • After defeating Agas, examine the ??? again between 19:00 and 04:00 to get the Key ItemMoondrop.
  • If there is no time to obtain the item before 04:00, there is no need to defeat the monster again, even after changing areas or logging out. However, it still cannot be obtained during New Moon.
  • Only one party member needs to spawn Agas to enable everyone to obtain the Key ItemMoondrop.
  • As long a player is in the party when the monster is defeated, it is possible to obtain the key item.
