Strength Potion

From HorizonXI Wiki


Strength potion
This medicine temporarily
boosts strength.
Stackable: Not Stackable
Medicine Effects: (Instant, 3 minutes)

Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes


Other Uses

Guild Points Value: 900 / 4,800 (5.33 items)
Used in Quest: [[|]]
Resale Price: 900~922 gil

Synthesis Recipes

Alchemy (92)

Yield: Strength Potion x 1
Water Crystal

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Medicines AH Black.png


Name Zone Level Time Members
Early Bird Catches The Wyrm Balga's Dais 75 30 minutes 18
Horns of War Horlais Peak 75 30 minutes 18


Name Zone Level Time Members
Making a Mockery Jade Sepulcher 60 30 minutes 6


NM Name Level Cap Zone
Iqi-Balam (NM) 75 Sauromugue Champaign (S)