Template:Hxi Drop Rate
From HorizonXI Wiki
{{Hxi Drop Rate|asb=|total drops|total kills}}
- asb is the drop rate, written as a ratio a/b, from the Air Sky Boat Github Repository for drop rates. (A list of all zones can be found here.)
- Setting asb to false will invoke Template:Retail Drop Rate.
- if specifying a percentage value for the first unnamed parameter, then that percentage value will be displayed. Example:
{{Hxi Drop Rate|22%}}
- if sample size < 25: show asb
- if 25 < sample size < 100: show asb but hint with red brackets IF difference between horizon droprate and asb is larger than the confidence interval of the sample.
- if 100 < sample size < 500: show horizon but hint with purple brackets IF difference between horizon droprate and asb is larger than the confidence interval of the sample.
- if 500 < sample size: show horizon
- no sample returns:
{{Hxi Drop Rate|asb=111/1000|0|0}}
- sample size < 25:
{{Hxi Drop Rate|asb=111/1000|1|10}}
- 25 < sample size < 100, hxi agrees with asb:
{{Hxi Drop Rate|asb=111/1000|5|60}}
- 25 < sample size < 100, hxi deviates from asb:
{{Hxi Drop Rate|asb=111/1000|30|60}}
- 100 < sample size < 500, hxi agrees with asb:
{{Hxi Drop Rate|asb=111/1000|10|120}}
- 100 < sample size < 500, hxi deviates from asb:
{{Hxi Drop Rate|asb=111/1000|93|120}}
- 500 < sample size:
{{Hxi Drop Rate|asb=111/1000|312|1500}}
Drop Rate Guidelines
From Template:Retail Drop Rate
This section describes how the Drop Rate template works. If you are looking for rules and guidelines on use, see HorizonXI:Drop Rate Policy.
- This template is used to collect and present drop rate data. It is intended to collect data from multiple users and keep a running total (new results are added to the existing totals rather than replacing them), thus becoming more accurate over time.
- The drop rate is rounded to the nearest tenth, with a hovertext that displays the exact number of drops and kills and a message describing the data's current reliablity.
- If the data is too low to be considered reliable (less than 25 kills), the drop rate will be colored gray and question marks (???) will be displayed instead of the drop rate. However, the drop rate can still be seen in the hovertext next to the number of drops and kills.
- If the data is low, but not completely unreliable (less than 500 kills), the drop rate will simply be colored gray.
- "100%" can be used as the "total drops" value to automatically display the drop rate as 100%.
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