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Warrior's Calligae -1

From HorizonXI Wiki

Warriors Calligae -1


Warrior's calligae -1RareExclusive
A pair of warrior's calligae.
They are badly damaged
and can no longer be worn.
Can be stored with a Porter Moogle using Storage Slip 12.

Other Uses

Used in Quest: [[|]]
Relic Armor Upgrade: Warrior's Calligae +1
Resale Price: Cannot be sold to NPCs.

How to Obtain

Cannot be auctioned, traded, bazaared, or delivered. AH Black.png



  • Warrior: A warrior is a person specializing in combat or warfare. (Wikipedia)
  • Calligae: (sp) Caligae (Latin; singular caliga) are heavy-soled hobnailed military boots known for being issued to Roman legionary soldiers and auxiliaries throughout the Roman Republic and Empire. Caligae today can resemble sandals but the Latin term referred only to marching boots. Sandals proper were not worn outside by the Romans, rather they were regarded as indoor footwear, sometimes even carried by slaves to be changed into for such things as banquets. (Wikipedia)