You Are What You Eat

From HorizonXI Wiki
You Are What You Eat
Type: ENM
Zone: Spire of Dem
Entry Item: Censer of Antipathy
Level: 30
Members: Recommended: 6
Maximum: 18
Time: 30 minutes


  • Note: The fight starts with only the Ingester. Not all of the other mobs will necessarily appear. You may see only one Wanderer, for example.



Possible Rewards


  • Venessa in Ru'Lude Gardens (H-10) will offer you the first three ENMs in Promyvion if you have completed the first cut-scenes to start the Chains of Promathia missions.
  • If you select the 'Spire of Dem' she will give you the Censer of Antipathy key item.
  • Upon entering the Spire of Dem, you will have the option of entering the ENM battle at the battlefield.
  • The Ingester NM must be defeated to win this ENM.
  • The Ingester has additional effect: Aspir on its attacks.


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