List of things different on HorizonXI (maybe not listed elsewhere.)

From HorizonXI Wiki
Revision as of 19:59, 5 September 2023 by Spiffly (talk | contribs) (ninja ele wheel spells can only be used from 15 even though learnable at 12.)
This article is only a guide. Information expressed in a guide is usually more opinion than fact and should be taken as such. Guides are written by players, based upon their experiences, successes and mistakes, and are meant to aid other players. However, there may be differing opinions than those expressed in a guide.
Strategies and information in guides may not work for everyone.

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Things that are different

  • 30 free slots in /satchel Join discord and then goto channel #welcome, link your discord and in-game names by following the instructions. I would link to the instructions but they may change that link and this will get you there even if the link is changed in the future. If you add new charaters after that point you need to refesh the act to unlock /satchel for each of them.
  • fishing without bait / breaking poles can "lock you" and only relogging / crash + restart can fix it.
  • You can't fish until you are level 15
  • You get city rings once you reach rank 2.
  • Level scync is "normal" under the level scync, e.g. you are 12, the level scync is 15, it is also "normal" if you are 10 levels above the target. E.g. 15 (LS) and 25 you. If you are 11+ you will experience exp penalties. there are no equipment downgrades you cannot wear equipment higher than the LS level.
  • Eco warrior quests happen once a week award about 10k exp and about 10k gil. once you accept the quest you cannot get the other cities or drop the quest so don't get it until ready to go. These cap at level 20 but you are not required to be level 20 to do them. It is a good idea to bring snk/invs items with you.
  • Requirments to OP Warp from Jeuno are less (DEVs want people in Jeuno) but you need Rank 3 to do so, so this makes it hard to do lower level jobs until you reach rank 3
  • You get mog wardrobe spaces for certain requirments (the first is 5 @ Subjob unlock) and (5 more at 1st advanced job unlock) (SJ=level 18, Adv Job = level 30)
  • Your first Weapon Skill is at 10, no matter what the Gate Guard Starting quest (link here later) has said, (they will say 5.)
  • Beastmen seals (keep these!) will drop at a rate of 20%, are not affected by Treasure Hunter. That drop rate will drop to 0% for 5 minutes after the last seal. This "timer" can be reset by zoning. E.g. if you get a beastman seal, you will not get another one for at least 5 minutes if you stay in the same zone.
  • Ashita Scripting/macros (/exec) : It is Allowed to use Ashita macros to equipt and unequipt items that would take more than a single in-game macro's 7 lines. (don't forget there is an in-game solution to equiptment with /equipset as well) It is not allowed to automate useing ashita script. : Example: It is ALLOWED to use IN GAME macro to make seven lines of "/lastsynth <wait 25>" and craft 7 items in a row. It is NOT ALLOWED to make an ashita script to do the same but 12 times. Likewise when skilling up healing magic, enhancing magic, summoning magic, ninjistu, etc.
  • No "bag of stones" etc, you need 4 people to get through gate in garlage citidel, or quicksand cave weight plates, etc. 3-mage door item DOES exist
  • When turing in crystals for rank bar points you CANNOT overload the last trade for massive CP. It will just fill it with no overflow into CP.
  • Ninja elemental wheel spells are learned at level 12 but only useable from 15 on horizon.
  • You can Store beastmen seals with the NPC in Port Jeuno, and you can Store equiptment sets with NPC: Caruvinda. Not all sets and unsure of +1, but AF, and RSE, and Chainmail, and seers, etc. Need all 5 pieces, (head, body, hands, legs, feet)
  • Samori quest is 3 hours real time after turn in items before can get sword.

Please include dates these occured if they may change in the future / updates

  • Fame is all over the board. Some is Era (lots of stuff needed) Some is not. Wiki is not reflective of this. It may change from update to update. We don't know what is intended or correct. Example: August 2023 24-25 stacks of millioncorn needed for max fame when wiki and ERA Fame would need 100 stacks. Certain quests in Windursts like c-3000 are repeatable (but after 30 STACKS (30*12 = 360 trades) no increase in fame. The new Dryer's Woad quest likewise appears to not give fame. (Bastore Sardines seem to give Era+ fame) As of August 2023 if you want to cap windy fame bastore sardines (14 stacks) and All others (25 stacks million corn)
  • When killing 100 mobs for DRK unlock certain "horizon only mobs" don't count. That's a lot of the levle 1 mobs in new areas. the only way to tell for sure is to enable MOBDB addon and check mobs to see if they are game stardard (e.g. have all the icons) or horizon only (have only a name)